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Kruger 2012 Birds ID

pedro maia

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When I came back from this year trip to Mashatu I started to make birds life lists in bubo.org, one is from SA since we drove to Botswana border and back, then I also added some species from other trips to SA and I had the idea to have another deeper check on my pictures from those trips to try and add more birds to my lists (I´ll also have to do that with my Pantanal trip).


With this quarantine thing my BY has to wait for better times but I have more time so I started with my 2012 trip to Kruger, I don´t really have many birds because I didn´t pay too much attention to them but to help pass time I´m going to post first those I coould ID (please feel free to correct my mistakes) and then I´ll post those I have doubts and also some UFOs, maybe even one of those can be identified.

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Southern ground hornbill



Southern yellow-billed hornbill



Grey lourie






Helmeted guineafowl



Red-billed oxpecker



White-backed vulture



Lilac-breasted roller



African fish eagle



Purple-crested turaco


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And now those I need confirmation or ID:


1 - Cape glossy starling?



2 - Cape glossy starling?



3 - Lesser-masked weaver?



4 - Tawny eagle?



Picture from Sunset Dam with several species to ID



5 - Yellow-billed stork juveniles (the adults I don´t have doubts)?



6 - UFOs



7 - UFOs



8 - Hadada ibis?



9 - UFO



9 - UFO (with yellow-billed stork and hadada ibis, I guess)



10 - Fork-tailed drongo?



11 - Gray heron? + some eagle?



12 - White-breasted cormorant?



13 - UFO?



That´s all, if someone is bored...

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Having never been to Kruger I´m not the most qualified Person to do this but I´ll give it a try nonetheless.


1: Cape Glossy or Greater Blue-Eared Starling, both occur according to the Maps and look very similar.
2: Looks more like Greater Blue-Eared Starling (Very blue on the belly and below the eye, distinct dark spots on the wing)
3: Agree with Lesser Masked Weaver

4: Agree with Tawny Eagle (colour looks right, bill very heavy)
5: The smaller birds are African Spoonbills
6: UFO indeed. Water Thick-Knees probably
7: Maybee White-Crowned Lapwing
8: Agree with Hadada
9: Thick-Knee again?
10: Agree with Drongo, tail looks right
11: Grey Heron and juv. African Fish Eagle
12: Agree with WB Cormorant
13: Wow, you are not making this easy. Probably Cormorant again. Their stones tend to look like this, they have not joined the toilet paper madness yet.

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Thanks @michael-ibk, I should have IDeed the African Spoonbills, as for the UFOs, 6 and 9 may be Water thick-knees, let´s see if somoene else is bored enough to have a go, maybe @Galana although he is probably too busy with his Uganda´s EBCs.


Starlings are a pain in the..., some of them are too similar.

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@pedro maia  Pedro, I think they are Stone CurlewsB)

aka Dikkop or Thick knee

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  • wilddog changed the title to Kruger 2012 Birds ID
36 minutes ago, mvecht said:

@pedro maia  Pedro, I think they are Stone CurlewsB)

aka Dikkop or Thick knee


In #6 it’s posible to see (badly) the eyebrow and the bill of one of them and that’s what it looks like.

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Peter Connan

No. 11: Is the big bird not perhaps a Marabou? Can't really see enough, but to me it seems wrong for a Heron?

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55 minutes ago, Peter Connan said:

No. 11: Is the big bird not perhaps a Marabou? Can't really see enough, but to me it seems wrong for a Heron?


It would add to my list but I don’t have any other picture of that one.

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I found the rest of the pictures from this trip, I IDeed a few more:





Common bulbul (hi @xelas :P)



Grey heron (the other one was doubtful)



Southern red-billed hornbill



Magpie shrike


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Now is when I need help.


This one is the starling from post #3 above, I really think is a Blue-eared starling



Not sure if this is the same bird but is from the same momment



A "better" picture from UFO 7 from post #3, I think it confirms that it´s a White-crowned lapwing



14 - Another Tawny eagle?



15 - Egyptian goose?



16 - Marabu stork?



17 - Reed cormorant?


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Starling is correctly ID as Greater Blue-eared Starling

Yes, another Tawny Eagle

Egyptian Goose on eggs :D

Yes, the ugly bird

Might be but you should discard this photo, is almost like taken by @Galana :lol:

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1 hour ago, xelas said:

Starling is correctly ID as Greater Blue-eared Starling

Yes, another Tawny Eagle

Egyptian Goose on eggs :D

Yes, the ugly bird

Might be but you should discard this photo, is almost like taken by @Galana :lol:


More respect for the EBC king :D.


if you have another look that’s a crop of part of the picture of the grey heron in post #10, I just realized that posible reed cormorant was there too.

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8 hours ago, xelas said:

Yes, another Tawny Eagle


Nope don´t think so - 14 looks like a juv. African Harrier-Hawk (Gymnogene) to me. Agree with everything else.

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3 minutes ago, michael-ibk said:


Nope don´t think so - 14 looks like a juv. African Harrier-Hawk (Gymnogene) to me. Agree with everything else.


See, I do get confused with anything that is not a bulbul :unsure:

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And even Bulbuls can be very tricky!:P

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10 hours ago, michael-ibk said:


Nope don´t think so - 14 looks like a juv. African Harrier-Hawk (Gymnogene) to me. Agree with everything else.


These raptors are really a chalenge, let´s see if there are more opinions.

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I made the additions to my SA list in bubo.org but I couldn´t add the White-breasted cormorant because it´s not listed, the cormorants listed for SA are the following:


Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)

Cape Cormorant (Phalacrocorax capensis)

Bank Cormorant (Phalacrocorax neglectus)

Reed Cormorant (Phalacrocorax africanus)

Crowned Cormorant (Phalacrocorax coronatus)


Any thoughts? Doesn´t the White-breasted cormorant occur in SA?




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Peter Connan

Yes, definitely. 







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