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Pantanal 2013 Birds ID

pedro maia

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Pantanal 2013 is our last trip with birds to ID and is probably the most difficult one, I´m only going to put pictures of birds that weren´t Ideed in my TR, starting with birds of prey.


All these I think are Snail kites:














Now, this one I have no doubts, it has to be a Crane hawk






Can this be a Roadside hawk?




And are these Savanna hawks (beeing the first one an immature)?






I think this is a Turkey vulture (only picture):



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Peter Connan

I have no idea of theID's, but they are all stunning birds!

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Out of practice with South American birds but let me give it a try:


Mostly Snail Kites, yes.

Bill looks very heavy for the fourth one, Great Black Hawk maybe? Also its prey would point more towards this species.

Agree with Crane Hawk.

Also with Roadside (although not completely sure).

Maybe Savanna but very white for that? Also don´t like the colour of the "trousers". Sitting on a pole like that is classic behaviour for that bird though. Maybe juv. Grey Hawk? Also the second one looks more like that bird to me, an adult Savanna would have more cinnamon-rufous legs.

The last one is a Lesser Yellow-Headed Vulture.

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@pedro maia Pedro, first batch looks like Snail kites to me. Last bird is definitely a Turkey vulture. I am not that familiar with South American birds so hopefully someone else can help


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@pedro maia just to show you that I am not that familiar with South American birdsB) I think @michael-ibk is right about Lesser yellow-headed vulture.

I am so used to seeing Turkey vultures in North america that I did not look at the finer details of the bird.

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Snail kite from Florida in 2018


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Thanks guys, I´m going to check @michael-ibk IDs, raptors are never easy (neither are some other birds I´ll upload, also because of poor photo quality ;)).

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Well, I check a few websites and I think that the first "Savanna hawk" fits more like a Gray Hawk, as @michael-ibk points, there´s a lot of white and it also has a very pronounced dark line through the eye, as for the second one, I´m not able to reach any conclusions.


This means that besides the Snail kite, and maybe the Great Black Hawk, which I already have in my bubo.org list, I have now the Crane hawk, the Roadside hawk, the Gray hawk and the Lesser yellow-headed vulture.



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Another batch:





In detail, two Wattled jacana and riding the capybara my call is a Smooth-billed ani, any thoghts on this one?




And two Cattle tyrant?




2 - Juvenile Wattled jacana?




3 - Cattle tyrant?




4 - In my TR @Treepol suggested this is a Turquoise-fronted amazon, it has no turtoise  in the front but also doesn´t seem to fit any other species:






5 - Monk parakeet




6 - Guira cuckoo




7 - The picture doesn´t help but to me it seems like a Social flycatcher:






8 - Again the pictures don´t help but these two look like Chaco Chachalaca to me, at least I don´t see what else they may be:





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Correct except for me :


3. perhaps tropical kingbird

7. great kiskadee

8. difficult to confirm

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Thanks @Bush dog, some species are quite similar so it´s not easy to be sure.


I checked and 3. can be also aTropical kingbird, but I´s beyond my (poor) ID skills.


7. looks better as a Great kiskadee, which is also my call for this one (to me the bill seems a bit too thick for a Lesser):



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As a resident, seeing these birds identified with nomenclatures in the English language is a little funny - three species I see with good regularity, Post # 9 - photo 3 and 9, Post # 11 (We call it "bem te vi" -  alluding to your singing - Pitangus Sulphuratus).


I think Pedro Maia correctly identified the names in his initial post. The only difference, since the photo is far away, is Turkey Vulture - when a juvenile has a gray head or Yellow Headed Vulture. Just a little more inclined in the second option.


Take a look at this LINK, a list of birds of prey that inhabit the wetland complex.

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@Matias Cox, in your opinion the two I suggested to be Savanna hawks are correct? According to the list in the link you provided the Gray hawk (Buteo plagiatus) doesn´t occur in Pantanal.


Bird names in Portuguese should be ok for me but most of the species that occur in Pantanal don´t occur here and even when they occur, names used in Brazil are different to those used here, for instance, Kinfisher in Brazil is Martim pescador while here is Guarda-rios.

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@pedro maia


Hard to say for sure. In the second photo, the bird is "flocked" and there is no sharpness in the colors (adult individuals have reddish brown tones, with variations between individuals, wing tips and black tail). Only an expert can identify with complete certainty what it is about.


In the list there are four types of Buteo (nitidus, platypteros, brachyurus and albonotatus). See also the Parabuteo unicinctus (also similar to the image).


Your photos are great, and represent a wonderful encounter with nature.

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