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The Great Safaritalk virtual safari...

Game Warden

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Game Warden

I'm inviting all of you Safaritalkers on a virtual safari with me. Here's how it works.


  1. We will produce a combined trip report in which each member can post one photo at a time, and a description, (as if writing a trip report).
  2. The post and photo must follow on in a similar theme from that which was posted immediately prior. Each day should feature posts and photos in order featuring sightings from a morning game drive, breakfast, (whether in camp or on the road),  lunch, camp ambiance, sightings from an afternoon/evening game drive, dinner, camp fire etc. (Perhaps posts "round the camp fire" could include some conservation talk?)
  3. The first post and description of each new destination shouId be of the country, (if changing countries), park/reserve and property itself - describe where we are all staying, with a photo.
  4. Should a member wish to change camps (or country), then their post must include a transfer photo, (whether vehicular/boat or by plane) and description of said transfer, where they are going to. However, this can only be done at an appropriate time in the trip report. E.g., not mid game drive.
  5. The photo following the transfer photo should be of the next property. Refer to point 3.
  6. If a member has never been to that country currently being described, they cannot post a photo unless they change the country. (Which obviously cannot be done mid game drive). Refer to point 4.
  7. Don't forget to include landscapes and birding photos.


Let's make this a fun group effort, tag other members, safari professionals feel free to join in, (e.g., if you are a guide, specific to the country in question, guide us through the country in your posts). Let's all get out on safari with each other and get away from this current crisis. Please, take me on safari with you...


So who can start with a photo of them catching an international flight and description of where they are going? It's over to you...



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we are on our way!  Emirates Los Angeles to Dubai to Lusaka and then to SLNP August 2018 but first a glass of champagne in the lounge.


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What a fun idea! I will look forward to joining in!


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Alex The Lion

With a copy of the FT, we were ready for takeoff.


I switch to the double whisky and diet coke




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Game Warden

How is service up in the posh end of the plane? What's the menu like?

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Alex The Lion

@Game Warden It was BA, so I ate before flying and slept all the way, food is nothing to write home about!


On arriving in Lusaka, early the next morning, we found that all flights to Mfuwe had been cancelled.


We were booked into Tafika, and John Coppinger had arrived the night before to collect us. He flew us to camp in his microlight, with our bags being transported by car.


Here we are flying along the Luangwa river.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Alex The Lion

@Game Warden I hope you don't mind me keeping this moving.


As we got closer to camp, we enjoyed a touch of game viewing on route.




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At camp, Isaac is pouring cold welcome drinks!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Game Warden

@Safaridude I wouldn't mind having a drink with you all and Isaac right now… cheers.



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@Game Warden




Well, I'll continue...  After a cold Mosi, we find that the buffalo herd has actually settled close to camp.  Right outside my bush chalet, a dagga boy...




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