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Big Year 2021 questions.


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Hi Martin @Soukous

I am new to the BY and just a question

Do I need to provide a photo of the sighting?

I only record the birds in a diary at the moment.

And Happy New Year to all.


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Hi @ElaineAustwelcome.  I’m not Martin but yes you need to provide a photograph of each species for it to count. Quality of the photograph is optional 😝



Check out the post entitled Big Year 2021 by @Game Wardenfor the rules (such as they are). 

Edited by shazdwn
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6 hours ago, ElaineAust said:

I am new to the BY and just a question

Do I need to provide a photo of the sighting?


Yup, photo proof is a requirement for each sighting. 

In my case it is essential as otherwise I'd get loads of IDs wrong. :(

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6 hours ago, ElaineAust said:

I am new to the BY and just a question

Do I need to provide a photo of the sighting?


Hi @ElaineAustI've split your questions into a new topic so as not to tie up @Soukous's Big Year 2021 topic.


@everyone - if you have Big Year Questions, this is the topic to ask them in.



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Thanks Matt


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Thank you all and back to my list.


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@ElaineAust, the challenge ( if one may call this friendly competion that ) of the Big Year topic is to see how many bird species we can photograph, rather than how many different birds we see. So the photos are not so  much proof of a sighting, but the whole point of the thread. Perhaps we'll still have you join us at a later stage?  In the meantime happy birding in 2021 !

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Welcome. You will fit in fine here.

Most of us are crazy with a minority responding to treatment. Covid 19 has not helped the prognosis.

Two rules. Make sure the lens cap is 'off' and the camera 'on'. It would help if the bird was in the viewfinder but not obligatory.

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Thanks for the welcome @PeterHGand @Galana

Must remember Lens Cap OFF & Camera turned ON.  Bird in the viewfinder?  What is a "view finder"?:lol:

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Dave Williams

Well I'm contemplating bringing my own version of BY in to play! The lockdown rules in Wales have been particularly brutal on individual freedoms ( and it's not a condemnation of them) I estimate that we were in a severe lockdown with limited reasons for leaving home for at least 5 months, we also had a regional firebreak lockdown which allowed some freedoms of limited travel within out home county but the only times we had freedom to go further afield were the worst times for birding and made worse by bad weather!

2021 has continued where we left off. We have been in lockdown since mid December although it seems that many no longer take notice of the rules and now Covid is spreading rapidly again. 

Foreign, even national travel is unlikely for many months to come and locally we are not supposed to drive anywhere unless for essential reasons. Birding and photography certainly doesn't count.

Consequently BY by past rules is of no interest to me as I can't compete but I miss the camaraderie with my fellow "contestants".

So I will enter but it will be different!!!



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@Dave Williamsgo in for it in anyway you can or want. I will be delighted to see any photos from you. Seeing birds from other people gives us all a lift when the numbers we see ourselves will be very limited 

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15 minutes ago, Dave Williams said:

So I will enter but it will be different!!!


Jump right in. The more the merrier. 

Luckily there are plenty of participants from outside the UK to show us what we are missing. 

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Well as I don't Jog, run, do handstands  or other form of foolish activity I count birding as 'essential exercise' which is allowed as long as I am not in company and I can happily comply with that. Great excuse to be nasty to disturbing dog walkers in bird country.

We are now in our first lockdown for seven months with everything crossed that it is contained.


So expect some flexible rules with the birds.


@Dave WilliamsGo for it Dave. Run the Tortoise.  It is a route to what passes for sanity amongst us.

Edited by Galana
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I wholeheartedly agree with the previous posters. Join in whatever form you think fit and possible! 

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