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Common French bird species face 'unrelenting' decline

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Tom Kellie



~ From Agence France Presse, an article explaining the steep decline of formerly common avian species in France.


Utilizing data from a thirty year period, the case is laid out that French farmland and urban habitats have become decimated.


Forest species were comparatively less severely reduced.


@Tom KellieI don’t think this is limited to France. Much of the decline in the UK. is caused by loss of habitat by removal of field margins and the use of both herbicides and insecticides. Run-off also pollutes drainage and ultimately streams and rivers leading to an overall loss of biodiversity so the whole wildlife food chain is being affected not just the birds.


In the UK the RSPB encourages people with gardens to feed birds to provide a new habitat to replace the loss of the countryside and we do see more and more bird species moving into gardens in the colder months.

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