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Quick update from South Luangwa


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Hi! we are still on our trip, but taking advantage of the internet at Chiawa to write a quick update of our 7 days in South Luangwa (2 nts Nkwali, 2 Nsefu, 3 Mwamba)


It a word, it was epic. There are NO guests - we were the only guests at all 3 camps and the first of the season at Nkwali and Nsefu. But that actually made for an amazing experience as we had the full attention of the most senior guides: Kiki at Nkwali, Willy at Nsefu and Patrick at Mwamba. Not only were they great guides, but wonderful human beings and very interesting and funny conversationalist. Really fun dinners!


In terms of wild life, there is a small pack of dogs denning near the road near Tena Tena, so if you visit the Nsefu area in the next 6 months, you are likely guaranteed to see them. Loads of leopards. We saw at least one every day and 5 on one day. Conversely, very few lions. Finally saw the "Hollywood" pride on the last night drive of our stay near Mwamba.

Park is really beautiful and remote. Lush and green with still a lot of wetland and bird life. Huge colonies of nesting storks.


As for covid, we couldn't have felt safer. Everyone at the camps have had one shot of AZ and scheduled for their 2nd in July. That said, Mfuwe is apparently having a pretty bad outbreak and people are worried. Flying and entering the country was a breeze with our neg. test.


I would say if you're thinking of coming (and can do so without overly onerous restrictions), DEFINITELY do it. You'll have an amazing time and they def. need the business.

More late!

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Wonderful! But also sad to read that you were the only guests, and at some camps the first. The operators must really be hurting for another year.

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@ForWildlife, yes, I think so, as the UK and Germany both still have pretty strict travel restrictions for Zambia. So it's pretty much up to Americans. We are at Chiawa now in Lower Zam, and for some reason, there seems to be guests here at all the camps. We even had some multiple vehicle sightings.


But it breaks my heart that the guides had to farm to feed their families last year. If you're in the US and thinking of going, please do!

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On 6/28/2021 at 1:03 PM, linjudy said:

@ForWildlife, yes, I think so, as the UK and Germany both still have pretty strict travel restrictions for Zambia. So it's pretty much up to Americans. We are at Chiawa now in Lower Zam, and for some reason, there seems to be guests here at all the camps. We even had some multiple vehicle sightings.


But it breaks my heart that the guides had to farm to feed their families last year. If you're in the US and thinking of going, please do!


I think both Lower Zam and Kafue get a bit more within Zambia travel as they're easier to reach from Lusaka. US - Africa is easier than Europe or Australia right now. The sad thing is, is that safaris are generally pretty Covid safe. Most camp staff is vaccinated, social distancing is easy, etc.

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