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Kenya Rare Mammals Safari - Royle Safaris

Zarek Cockar

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In mid-October, I had the pleasure of guiding Martin Royle on a mammal-watching trip across central & eastern Kenya.  He's written up a nice little trip report here: 


Here's a selection of the few photos I bothered to take (I'm no good at remembering to actually take my camera out and take a photo).

- Elephants sparring in an open glad in Aberdare NP



A family of Giant Forest Hogs on a far ridge in Aberdare NP:



A Guereza Colobus (Colobus guereza kikuyuensis) in Aberdare NP



An obliging Kolb's Gentle Monkey or Sykes's Monkey (Cercopithecus mitis kolbii) in Aberdare NP



An extremely curious Spotted Hyena cub bent on our vehicle's utter destruction.  Tried chewing everything within reach



One of the MANY Southern White Rhinos that seem to be doing very well in the Meru NP Rhino Sanctuary.  Sadly we missed out on Black Rhino:



A lone Fringe-eared Oryx (Oryx beisa callotis) strolls across the drought-stricken plains of Tsavo East



Our third Leopard, a tiny female not too far from the road in Tsavo East


FINALLY, lions in the last 30 minutes of the last day as we drove out of Tsavo East! Sitting on top of a kopje, just as they should. You'll note this species is missing from the total species list - a mistake.  This was species number 99.



A Zanj Sun Squirrel (Heliosciurus undulatus) in Arabuko Sokoke Forest



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Nice, what were the main targets of the trip? 

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Interesting selection of mammals, Aberdare NP certainly delivered. Thanks for sharing.

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On 12/3/2021 at 12:40 PM, kittykat23uk said:

Nice, what were the main targets of the trip? 

Crested/Maned Rat (which you'll notice is lacking from our final list), Giant Forest Hog, African Root Rat, Naked Mole Rat, Beisa Oryx (we got the callotis subspecies, but not the beisa), Hirola (in it's natural habitat/range), Tana River Red Colobus, Tana River Crested Mangabey, Sokoke Dog Mongoose (which we also missed), and Golden-rumped Sengi were the main targets, but we obviously picked up A LOT of others along the way.

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Where was the naked mole rat, Zarek?

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4 hours ago, Sangeeta said:

Where was the naked mole rat, Zarek?

Meru NP.  Probably the best/most reliable place to see them.

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On 12/7/2021 at 9:27 PM, Sangeeta said:

Where was the naked mole rat, Zarek?

Of course Sangeeta would ask that question! 

Thanks for the answer.

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