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What's on your Big Year 2022 wishlist?

Game Warden

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Let us know your top 10 in the replies below and why they are on your wishlist.



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Hm …


1) Caipercaillie - an iconic Austrian bird I have never managed to see.

2) Shoebill - no explanation needed for that.

3) Eurasian Pygmy-Owl. I‘ve never had much Owl success birding at home, would be nice to change that.

4) Eurasian Dotterel. On my wishlist for a long time, let‘s see if I can get lucky.

5) Gorgeous Bushshrike. With a Zim Trip in the cards this would be a very cool one to see.

6) Hazel Grouse. Another bird I really should have seen by now but haven‘t.

7) Woodcock. Same here.

8) Cinereous Vulture. The one European species I am missing from this family.

9) Bearded Vulture. I have seen them a couple of times at home but very distant always. I want a sighting as good as Kit and Herman enjoyed it in Spain.:)

10) Northern Goshawk - a good sighting. This is such a tricky raptor for me to get a decent shot of.


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A not so serious list:


1. Bulbul

2. Bulbul




10. AFB



A more serious list:


1. an owl in Slovenia

2. any bird in any overseas country


Obviously I am not as serious birder as Michael is as I can not even name Top 10 BY 2022 birds-to-be-photographed :ph34r:.

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For me - 

ANY bird outside of Singapore, pretty please. 


17 hours ago, michael-ibk said:

Hm …



8) Cinereous Vulture. The one European species I am missing from this family.

9) Bearded Vulture. I have seen them a couple of times at home but very distant always. I want a sighting as good as Kit and Herman enjoyed it in Spain.:)

10) Northern Goshawk - a good sighting. This is such a tricky raptor for me to get a decent shot of.




For Michael's no 8 - you know where to go now. :)



Edited by Kitsafari
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Wow that's tricky but as I know I'm headed to Lord Howe Island in January (fingers crossed covid-permitting) I'll start with my wish list for there


1) Lord Howe Woodhen

2) White Tern

3) Red-tailed Tropicbird

4) Lord Howe White-eye

5) Lord Howe Golden Whistler

6) Grey Ternlet

7) Flesh-footed Shearwater

8) Masked Booby


And because I don't yet have a great shot of either

9) Gouldian Finch

10) Emerald Dove



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On 1/1/2022 at 4:04 PM, xelas said:

any bird in any overseas country


yeah !!!

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Well, for our country, I suppose that would be

Crested Tit

Cuckoo (a decent one for a change)



any Skua


If we do get to SA, any bird will do, preferably in flight. With the possible exeption of the Ostrich, but if the world opens up again, who knows what's possible ;)

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Dave Williams

Sticking to UK birds the 10 I'd like to see and more to the point photograph this year  is as follows

Dartford Warbler


Cetti's Warbler



Hen Harrier

Bearded Reedling

Little Owl

Green Woodpecker

Shore Lark


I think only one of them has featured in my BY's to date and I believe a week at Minsmere might get me most. Been thinking about it for some time!!




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12 hours ago, PeterHG said:



If we do get to SA, any bird will do, preferably in flight. With the possible exeption of the Ostrich, 

I don't know, an ostrich in flight would be a pretty magnificent capture!! 

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7 hours ago, shazdwn said:

I don't know, an ostrich in flight would be a pretty magnificent capture!! 

If in RSA I would go for penguins.

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I don't know what to put on a top ten list.

If on IOM I would like a re run of this years Red Kite, Hobby and Whinchat as rarities and that Merlin, that I saw much closer yesterday but did not capture despite/because of my emergency stop.

Off Island but in UK I would like Woodpeckers, Owls and Skuas other than Bonxie.


If I do get to Africa as planned then I will even be grateful for Bulbuls and Quelea to start the list.

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Like many, any bird in an overseas country will do but in the UK, I would like to see / photo, in no particular order:


1. Goldeneye

2. Dartford Warbler (got it yesterday!)

3. Brambling

4. Bar-tailed Godwit

5. Atlantic Puffin

6. Bewick's Swan

7. White-fronted Geese

8. Black Redstart

9. Garganey

10. Pied Flycatcher  



Edited by lmSA84
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According to bubo.org this is the top ten of my target list in Portugal (continent):


1 - Common Nightingale - Luscinia megarhynchos
2 - Common Redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus
3 - Eurasian Wryneck - Jynx torquilla
4 - Red-necked Nightjar - Caprimulgus ruficollis
5 - Tawny Owl - Strix aluco
6 - Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo
7 - Garganey - Spatula querquedula
8 - European Nightjar - Caprimulgus europaeus
9 - Eurasian Scops Owl - Otus scops
10 - Redwing - Turdus iliacus


I saw a few of these species but wasn´t able to photograph them.

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@pedro maiaWhat can one expect to see at Lagoa do Obidos? Took a drive up there today and thought the inland area really had some potential... Maybe some Portuguese top ten listers?

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15 hours ago, Game Warden said:

@pedro maiaWhat can one expect to see at Lagoa do Obidos? Took a drive up there today and thought the inland area really had some potential... Maybe some Portuguese top ten listers?


There are several birding hotspots around Lagoa de Óbidos, I´ve been there a few times but allways with a local expert birder, I didn´t have to look for birds, just to point the camera to where I was told to do it :D.

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