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Galapagos '23


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just returned from 11 days across three islands in the Galapagos. fantastic self booked, land based trip. no tour groups or cruise ships. easier than one would expect to do this yourself. many great experiences, mainly in the water. abundant phot opps.

first set from San Cristobal Island.












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these were taken on Santa Cruz Island












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And this set was taken on our stop at Isabela island

















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Thank you very much for all this images. Please can you tell us a bit more of the trip booking.   

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well i'm not sure what you'd like to know. but we booked international flights on United from SEA through Houston into Quito, Ecuador. a couple nights to explore Quito (which wasn't really exciting for us). Then booked Avianca Airlines one way from Quito into San Cristobal. i can not recommend Avianca at all. but other options unclear. our stay on San Cristobal was booked thru Air BnB. Then after four nights, interisland ferry to Santa Cruz island for three nights-this was not enough time-and a stay found thru Booking.com. after our stay there, another ferry to Isabela island for our four nights there, with another accommodation found thru Booking.com . on our outbound, we ferried to Santa Cruz again for a one night stay before another unpleasant Avianca flight to Quito then continuing on to Seattle thru Houston.


Botswanadreams-i spent my honeymoon in the Delta and may have posted photos previously on this site after that trip. i do dream of getting back. i also notice it says you are in Leipzig. my wife is doing extensive research on her families genealogy and we may actually be in Leipzig sometime in Sept. plans still formulating. any other questions on Galapagos let me know. glad folks like the photos. 

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It may have been land based but you got into the water quite a bit!  Those golden rays are beautiful.  So you took a public ferry from place to place?  Were you able to just wonder around on San Cristobal and Santa Cruz and photograph?  You seem to have found a low-cost and flexible way to visit with Booking.com, Air BnBs and a ferry!  Wow!

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Thanks @melproffit that's fine for me. So it means that the family of your wife originally came from Saxony in Germany. When was it if the question is allowed? Any question to Leipzig feel free to ask. 

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Atravelynn-when i say land based it's to differentiate between our trip and the majority of folks who travel to the islands based on a cruise ship or yacht. we took day trips, many by boat, from the different locations where we stayed to see all we wanted to see. taxis got us around to locations on the islands for other visits such as the tortoise reserves. you'd probably be surprised, as we were, how much civilization is on the main islands. felt a bit like Caribbean islands in a couple of places. still plenty to explore we didn't have time for. the ferries between islands are the best way, imo, to get from one to another. sometimes the only way. and it truly was easier to put together than one might think. 

Edited by melproffit
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  • 3 months later...

@melproffitIt looks like you were snorkelling rather than diving? Not sure if you're a qualified diver or not but, do you think you missed out or anything by snorkelling rather than diving?

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