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Kruger national park at his best, exciting and shocking new nature moments September '22


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In September 2022 we again enjoyed the diversity and great nature moments in Kruger NP. We spent 3 weeks in the park divided mainly between our favorite places Satara and lower sabie rest camp, we stayed briefly in Berg en dal and skukuza rest camp and we enjoyed 2 days in Shingwedzi rest camp.


Every year we are surprised with exciting and shocking new nature moments this year we enjoyed the scenarios around shinwedzi being trapped between the elephants crossing the river during sunset, alone with playing elephants doing the craziest things, really touching and so honored to be  encounter in these situations.

What also stayed with me is the group of wild dogs that attacked a kudu, they ran parallel to the grit road where we filmed and followed them, unfortunately the images were so messy that I didn't think it was worth putting them in my short film but I will never forget the moment, what exciting moments.

Furthermore, we were amazed how a groundhornbill attacked a turtle and destroyed the turtle with its beak sword and ate it, never thought this was possible.

Wild dogs temporarily lying in the shade of a tree together with hyenas? Never seen it in all my years, ok it was a short moment but it happened?


So many beautiful moments captured short in this video to take you through our 3 weeks in a few minutes.


I hope you enjoy it and it inspires you to drive to Kruger NP.




Johan and Natalie

























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@JPSGreat video and photos. Kruger never disappoints. Probably my favourite park (and by far my familys :) ) .  I had some of my best sightings in Kruger and like you I am also a big fan of Satara. Big camp, but good campsite and the best network of road around it. And it must been a crazy sighting seeing in wild dogs hunting. Thank you for sharing. 


I am going back to Kruger next year in july. I am a little divided between of staying 7-8 days in Kruger and the rest in Bostwana(mainly Khwai and Moremi), but maybe I should just do the entire 3 weeks in Kruger. That will be a tough decision ;) 

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Really well put together video, you obviously had a great time!

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50 minutes ago, JayRon said:

@JPSGreat video and photos. Kruger never disappoints. Probably my favourite park (and by far my familys :) ) .  I had some of my best sightings in Kruger and like you I am also a big fan of Satara. Big camp, but good campsite and the best network of road around it. And it must been a crazy sighting seeing in wild dogs hunting. Thank you for sharing. 


I am going back to Kruger next year in july. I am a little divided between of staying 7-8 days in Kruger and the rest in Bostwana(mainly Khwai and Moremi), but maybe I should just do the entire 3 weeks in Kruger. That will be a tough decision ;) 

Yes it's all fantastically beautiful and Botswana is great too so your choice can't be wrong:)

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33 minutes ago, Zim Girl said:

Really well put together video, you obviously had a great time!

It was indeed very nice and interesting again and I am already looking forward to September 3 weeks in Zimbabwe:D

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Excellent video @JPS!

expecially I loved giraffes (what did it make with tongue? :lol: ) , elephant playing and charging (it relly changed you?? or some other car?) 

great footage of dogs and leopard! I liked that all animals were doing something, it is really very angaging! Some footage a bit dark, I think, you don't use filming in ProRes or Log?

Pictures are excellent! :-)

Well done! 

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a splendid video @JPSI particularly liked the warthog tussling with the tussock!  very well put together

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1 hour ago, ElenaH said:

Excellent video @JPS!

expecially I loved giraffes (what did it make with tongue? :lol: ) , elephant playing and charging (it relly changed you?? or some other car?) 

great footage of dogs and leopard! I liked that all animals were doing something, it is really very angaging! Some footage a bit dark, I think, you don't use filming in ProRes or Log?

Pictures are excellent! :-)

Well done! 

Hi Elana, The images are indeed sometimes a bit dark. I shoot film myself with Canon R5, but I have no experience with C/Log and I use a variable ND filter. The dark images you are talking about are from the canon xa 50 with a variable ND filter and sometimes they are indeed too dark. You will also see images of gopros mounted on the left, right and front of the car.

The elephants that attacked happened a few times, when you drive along the river at Shingwedsi in the evening, herds of elephants cross the road, which sometimes puts you in dire situations.

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What a beautiful composition, the music, the slow-mo, the stills interspersed with the video, the sounds of the wild.  I especially liked the baby elephants playing and the marching wild dogs.  The ground hornbill attack on the turtle was quite brutal.  This will make everyone want to go to Kruger!  Thanks for posting it.

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~ @JPS: @Atravelynnis right...this post will inspire all to want to visit Kruger!


Such lovely, evocative images.


The colors are first-rate, every one pleasing to the eye.


Thank you so much for posting these.


Truly inspiring!


        Tom K.

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Peter Connan

Wow is all I've got.

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Really excellent video and some great sightings.

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Great video!

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Really enjoyed the video. Only 25 days till we go!

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6 hours ago, KiwiGran said:

Really enjoyed the video. Only 25 days till we go!

Thanks, and enjoy your trip!

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Thanks for your wonderful video clip and superb photos @JPS.

What are your favorite roads around Satara?

I need to get onto and complete my report from January this year :) 

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On 5/4/2023 at 6:01 AM, Hads said:

Thanks for your wonderful video clip and superb photos @JPS.

What are your favorite roads around Satara?

I need to get onto and complete my report from January this year :) 

Dear Hads, that is a good question and difficult to answer. When it is quiet in the park I like to drive on the tar roads as they are a bit higher and you look into the field so you can easily spot.

When it is busier I take the grit roads as it is usually less busy here.

Well-known grit road but also often busy is the S100 at Satara, where I have often been lucky, S125 I have also been very lucky there.

General rules of thumb to spot game in action.
Drive slowly, sometimes wait at waterholes.
Listen to animal sounds, these often tell you if something is or will happen.
If several giraffes stare in one direction, this is often an indication of a predator
Act like a lion move early and late in the day, rest in the afternoon. Usually you can only encounter cheetahs in the afternoon as they hunt when the rest are asleep. I must say that this is in general and that can certainly vary.
Drive along the rivers because that's where animals often migrate or turn around back into the woods.


Looking forward cto your report.





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