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Little Green Heron...and neighbours!


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A few images taken whilst trying to get to grips with the Canon R7 body (before heading to the Pantanal in July) that my former employer kindly gave me upon my recent retirement, whilst up to my waist in water and being eaten by no-see-ums...who says men can't multitask?!










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My inability to spell!
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It seems you are ready.  Great shots!


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Yes, ready to go. Enjoy the Pantanal - and retirement. 


The second one took some working out.

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~ @Whyone?


Congratulations on your retirement.


What a fine gift from your former employer.


Your images above are excellent.


         Tom K.

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A trip to the Pantanal and a new camera - what a great way to start your retirement!

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Thank you kindly one and all....your comments are greatly appreciated.


Maybe i should have posted some of my more iify images to give a more accurate indication as to where I am with the mirrorless body!


I'll be taking my trusty 5Diii as well - always good to have a back-up.


I'll post a few more images from the Florida coastline taken with the new fangled camera here a little later :)


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Spotted Sea Trout having really quite a bad start to the day.









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  • Whyone? changed the title to Little Green Heron...and neighbours!

Reddish Egret with an eye on breakfast...



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Peter Connan


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Good start @Whyone?- I got the R7 at the start of this year. And still haven't got my head around the complexity and struggle with swapping settings quickly it is so complex with options.

I have the C1 etc set up for quick swaps and keep learning about other things to try.

I love the camera and have the canon RF 100-400 (very light) and a 1.4 extender.

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Hi @AndrewBthank you, and yes, even though I have used Canon cameras....well...forever!!!...and usually adapt quickly from body to body such is usually the commonality of logic/controls, I'm finding the R7 less intuitive.  Early days for me, but with a big trip in a couple of weeks I am still not as confident in my ability to use the camera as I'd like.  Like you I have set up C1, C2 and C3.....I'd also like C4 and C5!!!  I will have a tried and tested 5Diii to use in Brazil as well though.  


I also use a 100-400L(ii) with the camera, but not an extender - that must give very good 'reach'? How do the camera and lens behave with the extender in place?

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@Whyone?the extender works seamlessly although (of course) you lose light. Auto focus works well etc.

RAW Burst is great but not quick to get to even though I have it on the Q button.

Dual PIxel Autofocus is another whizzy I am fiddling with. It seems to remove some other setting (need to clarify this) such as high frame rate. I haven't checked with RAW Burst.

My Canon journey started in the 1980's with the A1 film camera. First digital was the EOS 450D. I have a new office with lots of wall space and am printing up photos for this and after going through my old archives it seems clear to me how my ability (and the cameras) progressed over time.

What I most love at the moment is the R7 and 100-400 and the ability to shoot on the fly with good results. Previously was an EOS 750D and the Sigma 150-600 which was a very heavy beast and I really couldn't shoot sensibly without some sort of support with this.

As the 100-400 is a plastic lens, I have stuck on a neoprene cover for a bit of protection.

Main rave for me is the pricing of a really good Mirrorless. A year ago I never thought I would be able to upgrade as I reckoned I needed to spend about £7,500/£9,000 which was beyond my wallet.

Keep playing, you have a lovely locality for birds.

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Thanks for the comprehensive reply @AndrewB.


These photos were taken on a last minute trip to SW Florida ...home is W Sussex, UK.  

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Pagham Harbour it is then @Whyone?

(hadn't noticed the UK bit on your location)

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