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Jordan - The highlights of the Hashemite Kingdom


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Jordan isn't a typical wildlife destination but all folks interested in ancient culture like the old Nabataeans capital Petra or the antik roman town of Jerasch (Gerasa) should go ones in your life for a short trip to Jordan.

I've been visited this fantastic destination in Mai 23.




To get an idea what Jordan has on offer feel free to take a look at https://www.botswanadreams.de/reisen-weltweit/jordanien-2023/  

Edited by Botswanadreams
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Sehr schöne Reise, danke für alle Bilder und Informationen. 
Sorry to read about the developments in Wadi Rum, we were visiting the area 7 years ago and it was not that bad at the time.

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Thanks for posting this @Botswanadreams, it bought back many :) memories of our visit 12 years ago.  I can vouch for the  800 steps to climb up to the Monastery but you omitted to mention the vertiginous drops at the side of the path and the lack of guardrails :o! Perhaps that's changed now, Wadi Rum certainly has, and not for the better :(

Edited by AfricIan
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks very much for you attention of a no wildlife destination. In my feeling the development at Wadi Rum isn't good. To me it was a bit like a Disney Dessert. Maybe I'm a bit too spoiled after visiting Ennedi in Chad but it has nothing to do with a wast desert experiences anymore as long as go only for one day. Climb up to monastery in Petra I used the service of a mule but going down on my one feet. It wasn't dangerous all. Over all it was a very nice short trip with so many highlights. Jordan is absolutely worth to visit.

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