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Madagascar adventure


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This safari was my 31st. I flew to Antananarivo on the 6th of September. I stayed at Maison Gallieni. It was a nice hotel with lots of character. The next day I flew to Morondava Airstrip then to Hotel Palissandre Cote Quest, rested, and then visited the Avenue of the Baobabs where I saw Lemur and of course the beautiful Baobabs.





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On the 3rd and 4th day, I visited Kirindy Reserve and then Betania village but unfortunately, I could not get photos. I flew back to Antananarivo and stayed at Hotel Maison Gallieni. The next morning we drove to Mantadia Lodge, visited the Reptile Sanctuary (Pereiras), and took a night walk in Andasibe Forest.20230911_112704.jpg.a18693a0d2b2b7df10567cce61feda1c.jpg









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beautiful shots at the start!

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On the 7th day, I took another night walk in Andasibe Forest and visited Lemur Island the next morning. Sure enough, the lemurs and sifakas were fabulous to watch.

I was then transferred from Mantadia Hotel to Hotel Novotel. The service and food at Mantadia Hotel were excellent.

The food and service at Hotel Novotel were excellent too. The rooms were good as well. It is situated in the capital city of Antananarivo.









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I had to fly from Antananarivo to Fort Dauphin for my next adventure. It took approximately 2 hours and once we got there, I was transferred to Mandrare River Camp where I stayed for 4 nights, I especially enjoyed talking to the camp's American manager. The food and service were both of high standards.

I took a quiet night walk in Zenavo Forest. The next day I visited the Sacred Gallery Forest, and the Sacred Spiny Forest and later enjoyed sundowners at the riverbanks.20230916_174206.jpg.0cb9d672a033ca2566bdd10773b16c9e.jpg






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The local village and market visit was quite an interesting one. I learned about some of the cultures and practices.






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The last few days were more relaxing, I did not do much. I took a flight from Fort Dauphin Airport to Antananarivo Airport and was transferred to Hotel Novotel for an overnight stay. The next day I took another flight to Ivato Airport and then to Anjajavy Airstrip. I spent 4 nights at Anjajavy Lodge in the Seaview villa. Anjavy Lodge is a fabulous four-star property. The food and cottages were just fantastic. There was also a long list of activities available. I had totally forgotten just how much I enjoyed going to the beach. While at the lodge I took walks in the reserve, 'Chenin de Crabes', Giant's Causeway, and King's Alley. 


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As my trip came to an end, I flew to Ivato airport and was transferred to Hotel Maison Gallieni. My last activity in Madagascar was visiting Ambohimanga.

I want to thank @Sangeetaof Chalo Africa for planning and organizing this trip.


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