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Lovely Little Kwara; cheetahs everywhere; The Wild Wild "wild dog" game drive; new adventures in new places etc etc.,


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Thanks, Marc.

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  • 4 months later...

Update from the July game reports suggest that the Female Cheetah at Kwara has held on to 4 cubs. Pretty impressive!!! I think they are around 7 months of age at the moment. Still ways to go - but, she seems very capable of raising them well.



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Hey Lynn,


Welcome back!!! Hope you had a great time ........ write when you are relaxed and well rested!




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I'm headed to Little Kwara in three weeks! How close to camp are the cheetah usually spotted? I remember doing quite a lot of driving to find them a few years ago. Also visiting Lagoon and Lebala. Based on your experience, which camps will have the best mid-September game viewing?

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Alex The Lion

The three dominant brothers are down at Tsum Tsum........the area may not be available depending on the floods.


Other Cheetahs move through the area, there is a female that seems to like Xugana Flood plain heading on to the first Tsum Tsum plains, which is not too far from camp, if driving on the roads infront of camp. There was a female with cubs in that area in 2008......


With it being such a large concession, it is not uncommon to find chettahs passing through.

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Mister Aviator,


The dogs are currently denning at Lagoon. So, you should still be able to enjoy some great sightings of them. Don't think the puppies will travel too far even if they have finished denning by mid-september. Lebala is always good that time of the year. There are two different coalitions of cheetah that hang around that concession. The coalition of 3 like northern areas better (although they do travel well south to about south of Lebala itself). There is another coalition of 2 (this pair travels from Southern Kwando through Selinda/Savuti). If you do bump into a very classy female cheetah (the one in Lynn's avatar) - she will pose for your pictures!


I don't envision great Elephant or buffalo viewing as in normal years ..... Lion viewing in the Kwando concession hasn't been too great in recent times. Some good Leopard sightings from lebala for sure.


Russell has already touched upon Tsum Tsum being prime cheetah country. Hopefully the flood levels will have decreased a little bit. There is a coalition of 7 male Lions at Kwara and hopefully you get to see them.


Have a great trip!


Are you still around towards the end of September- Sept 28?

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Hari & Russell,


Thanks for your informative replies. I'm excited to see the dogs at Lagoon!

Hari, I'll be gone before the 28th. How different is Little Kwara from the main camp? Is there a particular tent I should request?

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Mister Aviator,



Little kwara is newer, fewer tents and nicer without IMHO being too over the top- and if their managers are not on leave you'll have a great time. They have been at LK for Two years now and are amazing people. Easily the best camp at the moment on the Kwando circuit. Yet - Kwara and LK are not far apart and essentially cover the same game areas.


Do you have a private vehicle booked? If you do, I suggest you get a packed picnic and head out to Tsum Tsum (if floods have receded). If you don't have a private - convince your fellow safari mates to get this done. You won't regret it!


I've only stayed at Tent 1 (although never request it in advance). It's private on one side of the lounge. All the other tents are on a different side.


If you are back before Sept 27th - I'd appreciate a quick note here which would be useful to me. Thanks in advance.




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Alex The Lion

I would also add to Hari's points.


The Heronry at Godiwke will be buzzing with life during late September. The Storks will have all their chicks nesting on the small island there. You can get very close on the boat.

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Guest sniktawk
The Heronry at Godiwke will be buzzing with life during late September. The Storks will have all their chicks nesting on the small island there. You can get very close on the boat.


Just to add to this recommendation, do not miss out on this under any circumstances. You will probably be able to see Maribou chicks, the worlds ugliest baby!

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I'll be returning on the 27th, and if there is any specific information you are looking for, I can post a quick update while in transit.


Also, we're thinking of adding Tau Pan to the itinerary (a good last-minute deal is available.) I know you've been there. What do you recommend? 2 nights, 3 nights, or skip it entirely and spend more time at Lagoon or Little Kwara.

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Hi again - What is your current itinerary? How many days are you staying at the camps?


I'm not sure if Tau Pan in September is a good idea. Bear in mind, that the camp itself is situated a long ways away from Deception valley or passarge valley and takes a long time to get there. CKGR is all about the magic of the Kalahari and is stunning. 2 nights, I'd say no don't go ....... since the transfer itself from the Delta is long and a bit more expensive. Also the strong sand storms that time of the year could be dodgy in the Kalahari - something that the new camp will have to deal with and it's still in the process of growing pains.


The camp itself was very good and well managed (not sure if the managers Carl and Chane are still there). Even the picnic baskets that were sent out were definitely better than the other camps.


My next visit to the CKGR is going to be on a mobile safari, and that is going to give me a different perspective of the Kalahari.


What is the last minute deal available, if you don't mind my asking? If it extends to the other camps, if I were you I would be extending .......


Would appreciate a quick note on general gameviewing and the flood levels. Just two or three lines will suffice. Thanks in advance.

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It looks like I'll be staying 3 nights each at Tau Pan, Little Kwara, and Lagoon. I will certainly post a quick game-viewing and flood level update for you as soon as I can. The last-minute deal I referenced is the same one discussed at length in another thread. Companies other than Kwando are also offering discounts for last-minute bookings made in Maun, even WS! While certainly cheaper, the vast majority of travellers would find this method of booking to be too risky and uncertain. I'll let you know how it works out.

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Thank You!

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Hari, now I’ve read about your incredible sightings. I’m kind of envious, but I would not want to see anyone being eaten alive, or anyone being killed by members of its own species. At least no cheetah cubs got killed. Thanks.

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Thanks, Nyamera.

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  • 4 weeks later...



I can confirm that Spencer and the Kwando team are looking forward to your visit. Spencer says he's prepared to be "abused"!


At Little Kwara we had fabulous wild dog and lion viewing, but alas, no cheetah.


At Lagoon the dogs have left the den.

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....but after much vigorous searching we found the Lagoon pack and spent lots if time with the 11 adults and 8 puppies! Had no trouble finding the 3 cheetah brothers at Lagoon; they are magnificent!


We even had a touch of rain as I departed Botswana today... although the conditions remain very dry and dusty.


Have a great time!!

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Spencer says he's prepared to be "abused"!

I find it excellent that many of us use the same guides - and that we as visitors are well remembered and our arrivals are looked forward to. We really should have some limited run Safaritalk products made up, like polo shirts, safari shirts or caps maybe which we could take over and give them as small gifts.

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Spencer says he's prepared to be "abused"!

I find it excellent that many of us use the same guides - and that we as visitors are well remembered and our arrivals are looked forward to. We really should have some limited run Safaritalk products made up, like polo shirts, safari shirts or caps maybe which we could take over and give them as small gifts.


I think you mentioned this once before, I think it is an excellent idea.

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