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Do you Like Snowy Owls?

Guest sniktawk

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I hate Owls, Ken (The guides in Botswana have brain washed me over the years saying it's bad luck, it's not me - it's them)


But, I love the images.......... I never knew of Snowy owls before, but, they make for great photography - including those in your link. Loved them!!!

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Guest nyama

I like to see all kind of owls, especially when they fly.



Last year I was on a night drive with some newbies, and they really wished to see a leopard. We didn't see a leopard - instead we saw a Pel's fishing owl. First my fellow travellers found the sighting quite boring. Then I told them that many people are travelling to Africa year after year just to have a single sighting of this bird. This caught their interest, and they began to watch this beautiful owl with different eyes. During the following days these people were proud of this sighting, telling it around to other people. And we tried to watch other owls during subsequent game drives, with success... leopards weren't such interesting any more. Those fellow travellers even emailed me after the trip asking for a picture of the Pel's.


I guess they learned that Africa isn't just about big cats. (Btw, they got their night leopard, too).

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Wonderful images. I wish they were a little larger so I could see detail but I can absolutely understand why he'd not want large versions on the web.

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Ethereal is all I can think of. Thanks for posting these lovely images. I've seen one in Canada.


Here is why I heard the owls are bad luck in Africa. They hang around cemetaries because that's where the trees have not been cut down. People then associated owls with death.


Nyama, you did a nice job of educating your vehicle mates.

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I am lucky to work with raptor rehab, including many Owls, but I have never seen a Snowy Owl in the flesh... These are fabulous pics and I sent the link along to some of my fellow raptor rehab-ers. So, many thanks for the link! I was lucky enough to encounter and photograph Pel's on my first safari (near Xigera)! That was definately a treat!

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Brian's Art for Animals

i love the snowy owls (they are sometims spotted here in chicago, but i have yet to see any)

I have sen a few eagle owls? in kenya..amazing birds.

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