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Safaritalk's birding forum

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It is Safaritalk's intention to build up a comprehensive African bird encylopedia, to act as both a field guide and to help identify those birds you may have seen on safari. Feel free to post your birding photos and information here, and any other helpful advice for bird waching you may have.


Safaritalk's "Name that Bird" game is a fun way to help with identification, and if any of you have video, or sound files to help with identification, please do post them.


If you are uploading information, have a look through the topics already posted, and add it to the relevant section. If there is not a section on the bird you want to discuss, then please start a new topic.


I know many members have great photos and detailed knowledge, I'll open the floor to them to get us started.


If you have a general question as well, don't hesitate to post it.

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You'll see that Pangolin's COPPERY-TAILED COUCA post begins a new topic, and so if members wish to focus on a different bird, please start a new topic in the Birding Forum as per Pangolin's example.


Thanks, Matt

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Before starting a new topic, please search through the topics in the Birding Forum to prevent repetition. To prevent repetition... Thanks to your input there is going to be a huge database here with quality images and information. More photos and comments are extremely welcome, and feel free to add them to the appropriate threads.



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