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Thankyou everyone for contributing to the new birding forum with some wonderful images and information. Matt


I just had to stop the Bear from introducing one of his flying fluffy friends... :D


Do you have any idea how many birds there are???


We may have bitten off more than we can chew.


Roberts lists over 950.


I'm more concerned how to organise all these posts.


Things will slow down a bit after this initial rush. We'll need to keep track of how many we have and which ones prove to be most elusive. It will give us something else to strive for on safari.


I have a picture of a seagul


Guest schnauzi
I have a picture of a seagul
Thaz blurrd! :rolleyes:
I have a picture of a seagul
Thaz blurrd! :rolleyes:

Is it a blurrd or is it a plane?

Guest schnauzi

No, dat wite pest bird. Thar r 2 lotz da ov dose at mah bwana's place. :rolleyes:


I'm blown away by the quality of submissions so far. Great images from everyone, (although perhaps not in this thread ;)) and a real inspiration.

  • 2 weeks later...

Another round of applause for everyone who is taking the trouble to upload their images to the birding forum. Thanks. This really is turning out to be a great birding resource. There's a huge number of images that ought to be published in a coffee table type book. Well done!


Hey GW-


I think putting them in order according to relationships might be a bit much to ask, but I'd like to know how much trouble it would be to arrange them in alphabetical order by common name? If a time consuming hassle, then forget it. If something easily done, then......


And I would do it strictly alphabetically, not worrying about the striped booby and polka dot booby ending up apart from each other.


Again, just your assessment of ease or difficulty is good enough (another unfunded mandate).


I'll have a play around, it will mean creating separate subforums, I think if I read you right as in A-B, C-D, E-F etc, unless someone can help me classify them as per a bird guide book, which I don't have here. But shouldn't be a major problem.




Don't worry about it if it is not very easy. I was just thinking of having the easiest way to look birds up and to see what has or has not been posted.


Yes, strictly A,B,C, etc. by first name.


I think ordering them like a book is asking waaayyyyyyy too much of your time.


Please order them by scientific names.


It's not a problem to do the separate sub forums, I'd need the right headings, instead of A-B etc, and some help with reordering all the posts: if anyone with expert knowledge would like to help, they can be made up to moderator level specifically for the birding forum, and keep an eye out for wayward posts which had to be reclassified.


I'd love this forum to be as good a resource as any field guide, and to which members can add to whenever they have new pictures / video to upload. Admittedly not as handy as a book, but with internet devices getting smaller and connection better, this could become valuable on safari for those who take such devices with them.


Let me know your feedback. Matt

Please order them by scientific names.

That was my original thought, but then I realized that (1) not all of them include the scientific name so far, and (2) I don't think that will help the typical user quickly look a bird up.


(1) Make the members to provide scientific names.

(2) It avoids confusion with all the recent name changes.

(3) You learn something.

(4) It might be easier for non-native English speaking members.


I don't disagree with any of those reasons.


I leave it up to GW.


I will admit that ordering them by scientific name would not assist me. Ordering them by common name would assist me.


If that task does not take place for several months, I'd be happy to be a part of it, as I am more capable of alphabetizing than capturing excellent bird images.


I'm happy to go that route, but not being an expert, I will need some help. Time isn't the problem, even if it takes a while to work through it. If anyone has a spare good quality African bird guide book (even if not the most up to date) they can send over so I can go through it, it'll save me a few dollars on having to buy a copy.

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