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Do you want to tackle KNP’s 4x4 Lebombo Eco Trail

Game Warden

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Game Warden

Reports www.sanparks.org.

Are you seeking an adventurous outdoor experience – then the Kruger National Park's (KNP's) 4X4 Lebombo Eco Trail is something to try! Currently, there are two 4x4 vehicles available for the Lebombo Eco Trail on 11 July 2010. So, go on make that booking!!

To find out more details, click here.


Lebombo Eco-trail

The Lebombo Eco Trail is a 5-day (4 night) outdoor adventure spanning a great part of the Kruger National Park. Called the “wilderness experience on wheels”, the Overland Trail follows the eastern boundary of the Kruger National Park along the Lebombo hills from the extreme South to the extreme North. Experienced, professional guides act as trail leaders and will interpret the various ecozones the trail crosses, at regular intervals.
This Trail is rated as the best eco-trail in Southern Africa due to the diversity of the fauna and flora encountered en route. The route covers a distance of over 500km. Clients are required to drive their own vehicles, cater for themselves and to carry their own equipment. Guests also need to bring their own firewood and water. At each of the campsites there is a drum for ash but each vehicle needs to carry there own rubbish until it can be disposed of at one of the camps. A maximum of 4 persons per vehicle is allowed.

To find out more about the Lembombo Eco-trail, visit the SanParks website here.

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