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Lebala , first stop.


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22 October


Guide Spencer and tracker PD met me at Lebala airstrip after a wildgoose chase to Mapula to pick up guests


for Lebala who decided to stay another night at Mapula, and no one told the pilot. Pilot Devon came into lebala for


tea after a long and frustrating flight. The evening game drive brought lions, dead wildebeast , wild cat and serval.








23 October


We were out early in the morning but the lions had departed to Selinda. The young hyenas were on the


wildebeast carcass. On the evening game drive we found a male and two female lions, but no action.









24 October


Out in the morning looking for a leopard, but no luck. In the afternoon we went back to the lions and we had just


missed them mating. It was a very quiet time all round.



25 October


We spent the day looking for cheetahs, but once again no joy. Then.a radio call came through from a Lagoon


guide to say that two cheetahs were on the road not far away. We began to make our way there when Spencer


was stopped from going into Lagoon area by our camp manager. I was very frustrated and did not see the


cheetahs ! I was told by the manager that these were the new rules , and I told him that I wasn't impressed!



26 October


I was told by the manager that the rules about not crossing into Lagoon territory had been reversed, but it was


too late for me, as I was leaving that morning. When I got home I told my travel company what had happened,


and they contacted Kwando who who gave me an unasked for generous refund. I left Lebala feelng annoyed.

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I never get over the irony of how special a wild cat sighting is but how familiarly domestic it looks. Great start to your 1st stop.

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Great start to your report, its always nice to see some of the smaller cats.

So sorry to hear of the hiccup regarding the "new rules" for you. I almost think it had to come from office management not the camp managers.

When we were there in April, Charles was the first person to hop in a vehicle and drive us over a hour up by Lagoon to reach the three cheetah brothers.



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Jan, lovely cat shots! They're tough to see, let alone get good photos of. Looking forward to hearing and seeing the rest of your adventures.

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tracker, you certainly had a better experience than me. Immediately after the Lagoon guide invited us Charles


was on the radio to tell us to turn back. He knew that I was with a private guide and vehicle. As I've said, I did


have a generous refund which I hadn't asked for.


Ellie, I was pleased with both wild cat and serval. Wild cats usually disapear into the grass.


Pangolin, yes I was lucky. Watch out for my Chitabe report which I'll be posting later today. I was so pleased that


I found a wild cat which neither you or I could manage earlier in the year!


Atravelynn, yes, you do feel that you could take the same shot in your own garden.





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