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Our year long 'trip report'


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Hi all


not exactly a 'trip report', but a link to our blog that we are hoping to keep during our year off.


As a quick reminder, Rachel and I are off to SA early January for 6 months to train as safari guides, followed by 6 further months of 'something else African' (maybe work in a camp, travel, volunteer - no fixed plans yet - let's see how the training goes first :( ).


Anyway, during the year we will be updating the attached blog. I'll also be adding short write-ups on here as often as possible for those that are slightly interested but don't want to read the whole blog :)


Cheers. Whorty


Whorty and Toto's Blog

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Sounds like a great adventure!


Looking forward to keeping track.

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Looking good already, but we need photos posted of the intrepid pair... also be very careful with poisonous snakes during your training.

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There are poisonous snakes???? Now you tell me :(


There is a 'leaving London' party coming up and there will be photos from that for sure. Watch this space.



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Impress your instructors by using the correct term, which is "venomous", from the get-go. Be a step ahead of your classmates :(


I'm not sure if any snakes are actually poisonous, but I'm not sure if I want to find out.

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Pangolin - I'm referring to an incident which happened whilst I was with a group studying for their FGASA exams: a few weeks previous one of them had been bitten whilst handling a snake and died. There is a post somewhere on Safaritalk about it. Hence my warning...

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Great stuff. what an adventure and I like the attitude of "we have to do it"! I also found the part on weight loss touched a nerve,a lthough I have tried to ignore it. I can tell it is going to be a really good blog already.

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Pangolin - I'm referring to an incident which happened whilst I was with a group studying for their FGASA exams: a few weeks previous one of them had been bitten whilst handling a snake and died. There is a post somewhere on Safaritalk about it. Hence my warning...


I think what Pangolin is referring to is the fact that snakes have venom, which, when injected into the lymph or blood system causes the reactions which give us grief (or kill us! :( ). Poison is something which is ingested into the digestive system and can also kill you but is a different system. Very unscientific, but you can eat snake flesh without suffering, but eat some kinds of toads and you are gone for all money.

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Poisonous or venomous; whichever - in the parlance of Mast. ZaminOz (aged 4) they are "ouchy".

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If you are in dikdik territory - look us up. All the best with your year off and hope you have a great adventure.

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What an exciting adventure. Your first photo of your cat is a beauty. Not to make you feel bad, but if Vic has food, water, and a litter pan, he won't be obsessing over your absence.


I'll be looking forward to your updates.

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Good luck you two, it is going to be a fantastic adventure. I will jealously be checking your blog in a regular basis.

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Thanks everyone for the best wishes.


Remember - if teh blog goes quiet for too long please send for help - I probably means we've been chased up a tree by lions!


Dik Dik - when we've finished the course we'll drop you a note to see if we can meet up. Would be good to meet and say 'hi'

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all - I have finally got internet access so have started to update the blog. The trip so far is going great and we are learning loads about guiding, tracking, driving cruisers and what to do when what you think is darted lion suddenly wakes up next to you (seriously ;) )


Hope you are all in good health and have some safari plans of your own for 2011 (I'll look forward to catching up with your reports).


Cheers. Whorty

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