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Rajasthan Leopard Safari

Guest Nappa

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This trip was in 2004 & I had an old 2nd hand camcorder with limited controls.

but it will give you some idea of what to expect on a Leopard Safari in Rajasthan.



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Thanks, nappa. Fascinating! Also, there were quite a few older cams that had night vision (infra) where as these days its something you really have to pay extra for,


Any idea what kind of snake that was? Seemed a little dark for a cobra but could be a local variation.

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Nappa - thank you ever so much for taking the time and trouble to post the video and to do the write up. It was very kind of you to indulge us. So yes, essentially it looks like I will be in the same general area as you, and hope I am half as lucky. Traveling with mum so she may not appreciate that 3:30 departure :o as much as I will, but she will get used to it, and hopefully be quite the pro by the time we get to Ranthambhore.


It does look like those very large kopje-like outcroppings will prevent very close sightings, so I probably do need to update to a better point & shoot, as was pointed out to me not so subtly by Tanya :D


This trip is basically a birthday present for my mother, so mainly non-wildlife stuff, but I've managed to sneak in a couple of nice detours here and there. While planning this trip, I was surprised to learn that there was still so much wildlife and so many wild places remaining in Rajasthan.


With your leopard report and bushbaby's tiger sightings, it promises to be fun. More when I get back in mid-March. Happy STing all of you in the meantime.



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Have a great trip Sangeeta. And take copious notes for the report which will follow... ;)

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It will, GW, it will... now that I've designated myself as the "TR enforcer" after you and Twaffle, can't let the enforcers down :lol:

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I also need to go to India, trace my family roots back to Pune. One day...

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That sounds interesting, Matt. But you do know, don't you, that you can go to Pune only after LL!? :)

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Thanks, Tanya. Looking forward to that Bots TR that is still...hmmm...outstanding, shall we say?:)

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I guess the three of us will have to decide who will write up our zim trip when we get back too! :D Thanks Nappa for the repot. Very interesting. By the way if anyone i interested, this Month's BBC wildlife has short note about B2 the tiger and an article on the asiatic lions of Gir. :D

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I would like to add every so often you will hear a lamb bleating in the video, this is our tracker imitating a lamb & very effective to, the close views of the Leopards are taken when they came close to us in response to his bleating.

I had intended to add more to the sound track but forgot.


Here in the UK I call foxes in with an imitation of an injured rabbit which can bring them to within a couple of metres of you.


Why do guides always try to mimic an animals call?

I have never ever seen a response!


Our Indian guide, Vepul, it was his favourite pastime to imitate a Tigers call hoping to get a response from Deer or the such which I used to have a joke with him about.


Once on a field trip outside Ranthambore, looking for Leopards! In the late afternoon light we saw a Bat Eared Fox on the far side of a field.

I called the Fox as I would in the UK, it came right up to the vehicle, much to Vepul's amazement!


Afterwards he asked what the call represented?

"An injured Rabbit!"


We have no Rabbits in India"


"Aha! The Fox thought he'd found the first one"


Much merriment.......


I caught Vepul many times practising the call & telling other guides about it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Very active on the rocks, those leopards.


You must have perfected the wounded rabbit cry. Fascinating.

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