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Back From Zimbabwe


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Just wanted to give a quick posting about our incredibly trip to Zimbabwe. Our trip was also organized by Doug MacDonald and we followed in the ladies footsteps. We were in Hwange, Matusadona and Mana Pools including Chitkake. I truly can not express what an amazing experience we had. Not only what we saw, but how we experienced it. I absolutely loved the tracking and walking. I do not think I have ever been so dirty but that was also part of the experience. I can not more highly recommend Doug and Zimbabwe as a safari destination. We are off to the Congo with Doug next summer for any gorilla lovers who might want to join us we are going to put together a small group. I was teasing Doug about less dirt and he so kindly reminded me about all the mud in the rainforest. Oh well, I'm sure it will be another great adventure.

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This better signal the start of a trip report and not be the trip report... ;)

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You are very funny, kinda of have Doug's sense of humor. I am not good at writing trip reports and the ladies have not such an amazing job, but perhaps I can try to something, I do have some incredible pictures that I would love to post, lions in a very intimate moment if that is OK for this board.

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Welcome back, lhg! Now it's your turn to spill... ;)

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The more photos the better. Now, get cracking :) (or, insert whip cracking emoticon here.)

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You are very funny, kinda of have Doug's sense of humor. I am not good at writing trip reports and the ladies have not such an amazing job, but perhaps I can try to something, I do have some incredible pictures that I would love to post, lions in a very intimate moment if that is OK for this board.


Yes welcome back.


Minimum 17 words per picture is (since two minutes ago) the rule (averaging is acceptable). I am sure Game Warden will back me up. :)


I am also quite sure Safaritalk members can handle intimate lions.

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I thought the saying is A picture is worth a thousand words?

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Lisa - did you go to Hwange with Doug as well, or was that without him? Do tell us something about that part of the trip - you can omit one picture and do the thousand words :)

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Glad it all went so well, Lisa, welcome back.

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Sangeeta- We did not go with Doug to Hwange. He arranged all the transportation and we went from Vic Falls to Somalisa in Hwange. We had a private guide in Hwange named Michael who was wonderful as well. We loved Somalisa it had a wonderful feeling there and we laughed a ton with all the guests and staff. I would say that Hwange is an elephant lovers paradise. At the end of the three days our guide Michael was pointing out the elephants and saying there is another big rock as we had seen soooo many. We did not walk in Hwange and covered a lot of ground in the jeep which was fine. If we had had an extra day we would have been able to do some walking but we definitely did plenty later in the trip.



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Welcome back. I'm looking forward to seeing whatever you are able to share with us.

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Hi Greenacres,


Welcome home - can't wait to see some pictures and hear some stories!

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Thanks for all the welcome back's. I have never posted pictures by I am going to do work on figuring out how to do it this weekend. I think Zimbabwe must have done me a lot of good as I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and my blood pressure was the lowest it has ever been. The doctor said maybe I should go back to Africa. As always, we are already missing being on safari and but looking forward to the next trip, hopefully to India in February, pending the tiger park outcome. Again pictures and stories will come, hopefully this weekend. A preview is the canoeing experience on the Zimbabwe. Let's just say, I was worried about the hippos and forgot all about the crocs!!, more to come.

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The doctor said maybe I should go back to Africa.

If you can get a prescription, I want the name of that doc!


With 4 reports on the same topic, I am thinking Barbershop Quartet.

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I was looking for the prescription as well so that I could deduct my trip as a necessary business expense for stress relief.

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Here is our first stop, Victoria Falls. It was incredibly beautiful especially in the afternoon with all the rainbows.




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After the afternoon in Victoria Falls, the next morning we were off to Hwange. We had arranged to visit a school and had brought over 250 pounds of school supplies, including three computers and two ipads. I can not say what an incredible experience it was at the school. We stayed for a few hours and until our guide Michael from Somalisa had to drag me away (we had to be back at the camp by dark). The children danced for us and I recorded them on the ipad. To see their faces as the watched themselves was unforgettable as they had obviously never had the opportunity to do see themselves before. We have made going to an orphanage/school as an important part of our trips that we take and it is truly always a highlight for us. It is difficult to bring all the luggage but so totally worth it when you get there.


We also brought a portable DVD player and this is a picture of the boys watching some old classic Popeye cartoons. Their expression is priceless.



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I was looking for the prescription as well so that I could deduct my trip as a necessary business expense for stress relief.


:D Let me know if IRS buys that one! I have a couple of nice deductions too.

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Looking forward to some more -- we leave next Tuesday for Zimbabwe.

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we leave next Tuesday for Zimbabwe.

Wishing you a fantastic Safari!

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After being dragged away from the school we were off with our guide Michael to Hwange National Park and Somalisa. We absolutely loved our time there. We saw 23 mammals, we actual did make a list and had such a wonderful time with the staff especially the two guides Raymond and Michael. Our accommodations were so comfortable and the setting especially for seeing elephants was incredible. I will say that for all elephant lovers, Hwange seems to be a must go destination. At the end Michael was pointing out elephants and calling them rocks as we had seen so many. We had two full wonderful days and I was really sad to leave.


Here are some photos from Hwange















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Yes, that is the breakfast hornbill. I loved seeing the hornbills including the ground hornbill as we have traveled and seen all different hornbills and it was really great to see them so up close. I loved Raymond. The camaraderie between the guides was really wonderful and we laughed so much. As my name is Lisa and they said that Somalisa means Just Lisa, Raymond changed my name to JabuLisa which mean Be Happy Lisa as I probably was the most perky person they have seen in a while

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Lovely photos, I especially like your hornbill and roller. And the teeth on that baboon!

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