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Riz's Ramblings

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Bushdate 07-08-08

Riz Jiwa


The Gnu are in the Mara in force, and have been concentrated in the south and west. The Mara triangle has had huge numbers of the Wildebeest over there, and its easy to see why they went straight across the Mara river when they got here! The Conservancy had burnt large areas of the grassland at the right time, so of course all the arttractive fresh green shoots of grass were inviting!
Well, now, about 4 weeks into the arrival of the gnu in the Mara, they are moving slowly across the northern section, from west to east generally. This morning i awoke to the familiar, soothing and yet somehow irritating nasal Gnu moan/grunt/honk...

If you've ever heard it, you know what i mean.. you can hear a thousand Gnu from a kilometer away! Amazing to think that this species' (of over a million individuals mind you) entire vocal communication is encompassed in one...


That might make a cool bumper sticker...

"Honk if you like Gnu!"


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