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Riz's Ramblings

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Bushdate 26-09-08

Riz Jiwa


The Masai Mara is now suddenly baking....
After an unusually wet August and early september.. the sun is out and the grass is responding by starting to turn dull green and then brown soon after. The unseasonal rains have definitely kept the Gnu here longer than i have witnessed in the past.. just this morning there was a line of them at least 2 km long, moving east to west int he area north of the Talek river, but still to the east of Ol Kiombo... I'm told by reliable sources there are still many more yet to turn west from the Ololaimutiaek Gate area.. way.. WAY in the East of the reserve..!
This morning at the Balloon brekfast i also saw the largest flock of Hooded Vultures i've ever seen int he same place at the same time. All 15 of them were there! Never seen that mant all together at once.. though they were very well behaved.. as Hoodies tend to be.
There are at least two identified female Cheetahs around also biggrin.gif which is great to see! One has (currently) three cubs, (saw her today from the balloon) and the other is reported to have five (!!) but the last report i had on her was about 3 weeks ago. All the same, some guests staying with us saw one of the mothers with 3 cubs yesterday, and complained that the wilderbuses (minivans) were still packing in too close.. and thats really sad to hear. Things are expected to change around here though, with the new senior Warden now installed. Mr Sindeyo is hopefully going to correct a lot of the shortcomings of the previous administration (sounds like i'm talking about a certan election situation doesn't it!?). well.. we're just going to wait and see. One good intdication is that he has immediately accepted our invitation to sit on the Cheetah Project steering commitee, which means that we should be able to influence issues like patrolling and policing of park regulations (hear the Cheetah go '...phew' ...!?)
There has also been plenty of developoment with the proposed conservancy development. Naboisho Conservancy (working name) is planned to be established in the Block 4 area, borderes in the east by the Keekorok-Narok road and in the west by the Talek-Aitong road. Ole sere village has already had a borehole drilled, and is awaiting harnessing/pumping, while the borehole at Ol Kuroto is currently being harnessed.
Then we have the ecostorm seminar planned for Masai Mara and Lamu, in November. Please visit www.eco-storm.net
There's plenty more to come, with the roll-out of the Basecamp HIV/AIDS awareness campaign about to get underway, and the planned development of an 'Computer and education centre' in Talek, as part of the Basecamp Masai Mara 10 year Anniversary celebrations, scheduled for November 2008!
For more info, please email me at riz [at] basecampexplorer . com


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