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Barranco Alto and Pantanal, a yearly appointment

Bush dog

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It's indeed a great number of jabirus and wood storcks. But when a pool is almost dry and reduced to very shallow water and mud, it's a child's play for them to catch the fishes, stucked in the mud.

I have seen similar situations in the Okavango.

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Thursday's Child

Stunning photographs - the ones of the two tapirs together are really lovely.

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Stunning photos in this TR @@Bush dog. You have captured tapir in a variety of moods - such a wealth of tapir photos.


The photo of all the jabirus in that shrinking pool is also memorable.

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Thank you for your comments


Continued around the pools and the lakes


Black-necked Stilts (2009)




Black-necked Stilt (2010)




Southern Lapwing (2010)




Bare-faced Ibis (2010)




Black-collared Hawk (2009)




White-headed Marsh Tyrant (2009)




Roseate Spoonbill (2014)





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@@Bush dog

All this latest batch are great, but the spoonbill is superb.

I also really like the Marsh Tyrant picture - the composition showing a small bird in its environment.

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+1 for the Spoonbill, what a beautiful capture. Super! :)

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+1 for the spoonbill and also the great shots of the Black-collared Hawk

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Thank you so much for your comments.

I am a bit surprised by the fact that you all voted for the roseate spoonbill. Personally, I consider this picture as a correct pictures, no more. I posted it because I think that it is, firstly, an interesting image . It shows very well why the spoonbill is called "roseate".

I prefer the 2 first pictures of the stilts.

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Continued and end around the pools and the lakes


Snail Kite (juvenile) (2007)




Snail Kite (2013)




Black-bellied Whistling Ducks (2010 and 2013)




Caimans (2012 and 2009)




Pampas Deer (2014)




Small frogs in a bromeliad (2014)





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Fascinating snake and frog action. Not so fascinating for the frog. I just finished viewing the tapir show. One superb photo after the next!

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Now, we come to the forest pictures.


Red-and-green Macaws are mostly seen in the forests and at the edge of it.


Pictures from 2012




Pictures from 2013, that was a great year for red-and-green macaws sightings




2014, feeding on boca juva nuts



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I can only repeat myself - fabulous, fabolous shots.

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@TonyQ@michael-ibk@Zim Girl


Thank you for your kind words.

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Continued in the forest


Potoos are related to the nightjars, but have their own family with only 7 species in Latin America. They are nocturnal and at night, it’s easy to make the difference between the common and the great potoo that are the two common species of the family. The great potoo has black eyes and the common, yellow eyes. In daylight, they sleep, sitting on branches. Their position with their beak pointing up and the colour of their plumage get a perfect camouflage for them. They look like branches and as a consequence they are not easy to spot. And then, you still have to identify the specie. Is it a common or a great ?


Great Potoo (2012)




Great Potoo (2014) This picture to show the size of the mouth that is huge, to easily catch preys in flight.




Great Potoo (2010)




Common Potoo (2013)




I have seen black howler monkeys, for many times, but always, either, far away in the forest, on top of trees, or from a boat, on rivers, not really far but not too close, still on top of trees. This is the only time, I saw them, from a short distance, on lower branches (2012).



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Continued in the forest


This was one of the 3 best sightings of giant anteaters, I had in the Pantanal. It happened this year. I was alone with Lucas. When we spoted it, we went out of the car, put ourselves on the right side of the wind and began to follow it. When you follow an anteater, it often change its direction and sometimes it happen that it walks straight back to you. That was the case with this one, it came to me several times and too close and I had to move back accordingly. But it was so relax. I think that it knew that we were there, but does not seem to be really bothered by that ?




One of the many others seen this year




Giant anteater running (2009)




The following pictures were taken near the bats house


Yellow-faced Parrot (2010)




Burrowing Owl (2010)




White Woodpecker (2013)




Capybara (2014)



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@ Bush dog, thank you so much for posting this report. We were in the Tambopata National Reserve in Peru a few weeks ago. It was our first trip to South America, and I'm still sorting through our photographs, but it appears that the Pantanal regularly produces more quality sightings than those we had (although it was still a fascinating experience). I'm most impressed with your excellent photography, as I now know firsthand how challenging that can be in Amazonia.

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Continuing to love this report and the photos which are just exquisite! I too loved the roseate spoonbill photo, fantastic capture, but the stilts are also beautiful and so artistic. Love the capybara closeup, the anteaters are great.

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I have come to this TR late, but not too late to say what an abundance of birdlife in BA and what superb superb pictures. I especially love those of the anteaters, capybaras, macaws and nightjars. I was just about to leave Pantanal out of my bucket list because there are just so many places to want to go to and S America is so far from me and would require really long trips that my husband is unable to afford in terms of time. your stunning pictures are making me rethink that trip list again which is a good problem to have i suppose...I hope there is more from you @@Bush dog

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