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Tdgraves big-ish year 2015


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Now to some from our Virginia trip, which was arranged with the help of @@graceland and I had not got around to it, prior to her untimely passing


This was our first attempt at North American birding and we have no textbooks, so all IDs have been via Google, so accept my apologies in advance if there are more than the usual number of misidentifications!! Actually, I need help with this one, from a US Safaritalker, perhaps @@offshorebirder can confirm whether this is a red-shouldered hawk? It was seen literally just as we entered Shenandoah National park and I only managed a couple of shots, facing backwards before it flew off. You can see by how puffed up it was, that it was very cold and cloudy.


25/4/15, Virginia, USA




Canon 7D, 100-400, ISO 800, f7.1, 1/1250




Canon 7D, 100-400, ISO 800, f6.3, 1/1250

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American robin, 27/4/15, Virginia


This one caused the most consternation as they were everywhere, but we couldn't think of what to search for. Robins in the UK are much smaller!!




Canon 7D, 100-400, ISO 800, f6.3, 1/1000

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Hoping for some fresh updates with the Mk11 100-400

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~ @@Tdgraves


Seeing your lovely American Robin photo gave me a lump in my throat.

Although more than 50 years ago I grew up with that species and loved seeing its light-blue eggs, I haven't seen one in decades.

Many thanks for posting it!

Tom K.

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Hoping for some fresh updates with the Mk11 100-400


Gimme a break @@Game Warden!! Only got back on Tuesday and I left again on Friday for a meeting in Salt Lake City, from which I have just returned. Maybe this weekend, if it is sunny????

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Gold finch (which is different to the European goldfinch) male and female


29/4/15 Virginia




Canon 7D 100-400 ISO 250, f 8, 1/1000

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White-throated sparrow


27/4/15, Virginia




Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 800, f 8, 1/1250




Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 800, f 8, 1/1250

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Turkey vultures


This was the most bizzarre of all. It hadn't occurred to me that there would be vultures in the USA and it was very odd seeing them thermal over the interstate!!


25/4/15, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia




Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 800, f8, 1/1600




Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 800, f8, 1/800






Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 100, f8, 1/1000








Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 250, f8, 1/1600

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Northern red cardinal


Male 27/4/15, Virginia




Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 800, f 8, 1/320


Female, 29/4/15




Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 320, f 8, 1/1200




Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 320, f 8, 1/640

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Eastern blue bird


29/4/15, Virginia












Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 250, f8, 1/500-1/1000

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Chipping sparrow


29/4/15, Virginia




Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 320, f7.1,1/1250







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Brown thrasher


29/4/15, Virginia




Canon 7D 100-400 ISO 320, f 8, 1/1600

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Northern mocking bird


30/4/15, Virginia




Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 320, f8, 1/2000



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Carolina wren


29/4/15, Virginia






Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 320, f8, 1/2000

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Blue jay


What a beautiful bird - no wonder sports team want to be named after it! This was the most elusive to catch on camera and is fairly similar to the jays which we get in our garden in the UK (but they are pink and blue), although I'd say ours are a bit beefier...


30/4/15 Virginia






Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 640, f7.1, 1/2000

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Rose-breasted grosbeak


30/4/15, Cascade falls, Virginia






Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 800, f5.6, 1/500




Canon 7D 100-400, ISO 800, f7.1, 1/250


And that's all we managed to get in our few day (non-birding) trip. There will now be a hiatus before any photos from our recent trip appear, as they need to be processed..... :(

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Stunning collection @@Tdgraves


When I grew up, we used to call the Lilac-breasted Roller a blue jay...

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Stunning collection @@TdgravesWhen I grew up, we used to call the Lilac-breasted Roller a blue jay...



Lots of new species during our recent trip, so it is going to take ages......

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Now to some from our Virginia trip, which was arranged with the help of @@graceland and I had not got around to it, prior to her untimely passing


This was our first attempt at North American birding and we have no textbooks, so all IDs have been via Google, so accept my apologies in advance if there are more than the usual number of misidentifications!! Actually, I need help with this one, from a US Safaritalker, perhaps @@offshorebirder can confirm whether this is a red-shouldered hawk? It was seen literally just as we entered Shenandoah National park and I only managed a couple of shots, facing backwards before it flew off. You can see by how puffed up it was, that it was very cold and cloudy.


25/4/15, Virginia, USA




Canon 7D, 100-400, ISO 800, f7.1, 1/1250




Canon 7D, 100-400, ISO 800, f6.3, 1/1250

Sorry for the late reply - yes indeed @@Tdgraves that is an adult Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus). Knowing them, I imagine you might have heard it vociferously objecting to something - Kee-ah, kee-ah, kee-ah...

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Very nice photos from the Shenandoah Valley, @@Tdgraves. All your identifications are spot-on.


Yes indeed we have Vultures in North America - did you see any Black Vultures during your stay?


I agree with @@Tom Kellie - American Robin is a very nice bird. I love the little squat-then-dash-forward foraging style they have in open areas.


And as your photos show, male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks are a stunning bird. Their single-note calls sound like the squeak of a sneaker on a gym floor.


I am sure you noticed the wide variety of sound that Carolina Wrens make. And gram for gram, I think Carolina Wrens can belt out the sound more than any other species I know.


I hope you enjoyed your trip and got to see some nice wildflowers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK so now for some from our recent trip. It'll have to be drip-fed as there is so much processing to do. We did see lots of birds though....


I'll try and split it up into different areas and will start with the new species we saw.


African yellow white-eye


DItholo wildlife estate, South Africa, 29/8/15




Canon 7D 100-400 ISO 800, f7.1, 1/640

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Greater double-collared sunbird (not great shots as they move so fast....)


Ditholo wildlife estate, South Africa, 29/8/15






Canon 7D 100-400 ISO 800, f7.1, 1/640

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Kalahari scrub-robin


Ditholo wildlife estate, South Africa, 29/8/15




Canon 7D 100-400 ISO 500, f7.1, 1/200




Canon 5D mark III 100-400, ISO 800 f 7.1, 1/160

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