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The Incredible Ol Donyo Lodge in the Chyulus .......


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I am short of words to describe the experiences at ODL - I was blown away by every minute detail of the lodge and their service standards , the incredible hosting by Amy and Shawn as always, a great guide in Jeremiah who knows the area incredibly well, the conservation efforts of Big Life Foundation ....... All in all, one of Africa's best !!! Here's the first bunch of images........












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@@madaboutcheetah I love the photo of the Oryx using the elephant as a frame.

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@@madaboutcheetah Your'e a far better photographer and chronicler of your safari experience at Ol Donyo than I am. I do have to say that I completely share your sentiments about Shaun and Amy, as well as Jeremiah. He was able to explain some of the questions that I've long had about why domestic pigs are so smart and warthogs so stupid, as well as why a pack of hyenas won't attack a prey on an adult male lion.

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you're back! how does Ol donyo compare to the Mara conservancies? that is an impressive gerenuk!

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Thanks everyone for all your kind comments ....... You guys are much too kind!


Today's batch of images; the first set of scenics from the Chyulus ....... Thanks to Craig from the Big Life Foundation!!!











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@@Kitsafari - I'd say chalk and cheese ........ Can't really compare the Mara conservancies with the Chyulus ...... Everything is different about it! It's in a very dry area that has had very little rains ....... The scenery is spectacular; the conservation effort of the Big Life foundation is amazing. The diverse range of activities keep you going (Walking; Horse riding; visiting and meeting with Big Life Foundation; Biking etc etc.,) - and the Ol Donyo Lodge is simply amazing. Very very high service standards along with the super relaxed atmosphere!


It's obviously not going to be super stocked with game viewing and predators like the Mara!

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MAC what beautiful photos! Thanks very much for posting - how great that you saw cheetah and lion!

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Back to the ground for the next segment


ODL has an amazing wood pile hide that you can use to photograph the big Elephant bulls and other general game that come down for a drink and hang out there all day long; Cheetah tracking could also be an activity to indulge in the safari vehicle (what a pleasant surprise it was for me! - a pair of brothers call the area their home and the guides are familiar with them and their movement along their territory) ; Chatting to Big Life - they mention upto 6-7 other individuals that move in and out of the area from Amboseli and the other conservancies ........


If you've seen the documentary, "Lion warriors" - that's completely filmed in this area. The Jouberts also conduct the annual Maasai olympics where the winner is sent to participate in the NY marathon and this obviously has encouraged the local tribesmen to have an alternate activity and spare the Lions!














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@@PT123 - Thanks ......... There was a family who also saw Leopard on a night drive (which is not very common to spot as they aren't used to vehicles) .......

Edited by madaboutcheetah
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This lodge has always been on my list of places that I'd like to stay when we visit Kenya as it seems to be in a beautiful, sparsely populated area. I hadn't booked because I incorrectly assumed that there weren't many big cats in an area that offered horseback and bicycle riding. This report is a good education for me and I look forward to reading/seeing more - thanks again!

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@@PT123 - It isn't your classic big cat destination that's for sure! You are however going to see a few ........

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Your photos are spectacular! May I ask what camera and lenses you use?

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I'm ok with not seeing cats every day (or even not at all)...I'd just like to think that there is a possibility as I guess I veiw their presence as an indicator of a generally healthy ecosystem that hasn't been completely overwhelmed by human presence/conflict. We stayed for three nights in Shaba (one of the most beautiful, tranquil places that I've ever been lucky enough to visit) and didn't see any cats and I would happily return there as well.

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@@Tulips - Thank you! The Nikon D5/400mm F2.8

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These photos are stunning! I particularly love the gorgeous landscapes and that unforgettable oryx framed by the elephant. You're certainly giving me a lot to think about ...

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Back to the scenics for today's instalment ....... Thank You all for your kind comments and interest in this thread!


















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Holy you-know-what!!!! These photos are stunning....wow....in particular I love the aerial shots....just gives you such a sense of the wide open expanses....just fantastic!!!!!!!

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@@madaboutcheetah stunning photos, as we've come to expect. I love all the scenery shots as it gives a wonderful overview of the area. Sounds like you had a fantastic time with Big Life as well.

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Spectacular shots. Did you take the aerial shots from a helicopter? How does one get aloft at ODL?

Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you!


@@AKR1 - with big life in their cub plane.

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Ahh, I thought "Wow, MAC has got super-fit running up all these hills, and then the perspective got so I realised it was a plane." They do scenic flights or you were so charming they offered to take you ourt on patrol? And looks like you either had the door off or you've really done incredubly well getting the colour and contrast back.


Great pictures. Lovely, natural, colours.


Totally get this now. Heard many good things about that place (not least from Anton and Emma) but I can "pigeonhole" it now.

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@@pault - it's their Super Cub plane - no, they don't normally offer the scenic flights for guests ....... ;) I wish i did run those hills, though ......

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Interesting set of images there from an area I have never been to...looks quite different indeed from Mara. Love the scenics and the oryx !

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