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@Galago i promise you- you will feel entirely safe in that mesh tent n when you wake , and the low morning light creeps in and you see  the antelopes making their way to the pans, you will fall in love with The mesh tents.  The main thing that could wake you are the browsers n grazers coming next to your tent for a  munch! Just shine your torch all over befire stepping out to the loo. 

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On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 11:36 AM, pault said:

Just starting to catch up but some weeks behind and it'll take a while as I don't seem to have any time for forums recently. Really nice report as usual and expected. @michael-ibkYou got some really lovely BIF shots - excellent - and Doug was quite right to get you out of the vehicle, even if it did nearly open up a space for Bibi on the Zakouma trip!  The first shot is fantastic - special!!! Why don't you give it just a little more light?  


Marmite te is perfect safari food if you can stomach it - very filling straight from the jar. When poor at university we'd eat it like that to keep away the hunger caused by having spent our food money on beer again. Good for hangovers too and Bibi swears a spoonful a day keeps the Mosquitos away too!


Love the balaclava @Atravelynn - you carry off ski lifts very well. Hope you and @Kitsafari keep on popping up with posts like this. More than happy to hear about this 2-3 times - you know I love that Rashomon thing! 




Ohhhhhhhhhh @Atravelynn ...... this one! I remember now. How could I forget? Definitely now this is top of my list in "report catch-up February" so I might even finish it. 

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On 12/2/2017 at 10:40 PM, michael-ibk said:


Phil and Tyrone have established a semi-permanent fly-camp up on the Busanga Plains - Ntemwa-Busanga Camp.



From your pics that's a fabulous looking little camp.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Done now. Wonderful @Atravelynn  @Kitsafari @AndMic and @michael-ibk   Things were clearly very quiet but that can be very attractive too. Certainly a lot of memorable sightings in between the quietness.


Great little camp they have set up, but I am not sure if I would like that with an open vehicle too - might get a bit much in that heat with the tsetses too probably why you didn't have an open vehicle there? 


@Kitsafari How come you're the one feeling the heat? You're form Singapore. Probably why you didn't take the hydration seriously enough though - have done the same. 

@AndMic  So sad to hear you are another one allergic to the tsetses. You will have some company in Zakouma. We'll measure which one of you and Nam Wan has the largest lump - or are you planning some counter-measures?


I am not even going to bother to photograph roan now, until I can match that. Must be 30 wonderful shots between you all. Well done Doug too of course.





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  • 1 month later...

You had a "report catch-up February" @pault and now I need a "report catch-up March" probably into April.

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