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PC's 2019: a lazy year

Peter Connan

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Peter Connan

I only have this one shot of that bird, but the previous photo is of a mature Stilt, taken just over a minute earlier...


So, number 20) becomes Black-winged Stilt, Rooipootelsie,    

Himantopus himantopus


Thanks for the assistance everyone!

Edited by Peter Connan
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Dave Williams
4 hours ago, Peter Connan said:

I only have this one shot of that bird, but the previous photo is of a mature Stilt, taken just over a minute earlier...


So, 20) Black-winged Stilt, Rooipootelsie,    

Himantopus himantopus


Thanks for the assistance everyone!


Do you have a sound track to go with this even better EBC!!

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Peter Connan

Sorry @Dave Williams, that was a re-naming of the previous bird posted. Should have been more clear hey?

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Peter Connan

21) Yellow-billed Duck


Geelbekeend Anas undulata



Zibulo, 17 February

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Dave Williams

Great POV on the duck!

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@Peter Connan Do you use a tripod for your birds in flight pictures?

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Peter Connan

Thanks @xelas and @Dave Williams.

@pedro maia, no. Most of my BIF are shot hand-held. In a hide I may use a ground pod and gimbal head, or a sandbag. I think this particular one was off a sandbag.


I firmly believe that for BIF you ne3d shutter speeds that are so high that one can hand-hold the longest lenses without fear of motion blur, but the super-telephoto primes are so heavy that it is difficult to impossible to hand-hold them for any length of time.


I  can point my 500 f4 for just a few minutes. The new long zooms are much lighter. And of course there is now the new Nikkor 500 f5.6 which I think is a game-changing lens.

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3 hours ago, Peter Connan said:

I  can point my 500 f4 for just a few minutes.

 That is because you are young and fit. I could point your 500 f/4 for just a few seconds :blink:

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Peter Connan

Not feeling particularly young or fit @xelas. There is a trick. Elbow in the side, lens foot resting on the fingertips. This technique makes it possible to hold it up for a couple of minutes...


But it is not controllable enough for birds flying by, I use it for perching birds that look like they are about to take off. 


Normally, they then sit dead still until I lower the camera, and then immediately fly off...

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Peter Connan

22) Egyptian Goose


Kolgans Alopochen aegyptiacus



12 January, Marievale

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Peter Connan

23) Pied Avocet


Bontelsie Recurvirostra avosetta



12 January, Marievale

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Peter Connan

24) African Marsh Harrier


Afrikaanse Vleivalk Circus ranivorus



12 January, Marievale

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Peter Connan

25) Fulvous Duck


Fluiteend Dendrocygna bicolor


12 January, Marievale

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Peter Connan

26) Pied Kingfisher


Bontvisvanger Ceryle rudis



Zibulo, 17 February

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Peter Connan

27) Sacred Ibis


Skoorsteenveer Threskiornis aethiopicus



12 January, Marievale


And sorry @Dave Williams, but this one's too good to pass up.


17 February, Zibulo

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i'm glad you didn't pass up on the second pic of the sacred ibis - it's lovely with the wind ruffling up its feathers!


interesting that you took the shot at such a low level - were you in a hide? 

Edited by Kitsafari
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Dave Williams

Great shot and POV Peter.

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I only just got around to checking out your Big Year @Peter Connan some terrific shots in there. I particularly like the high percentage of in flight shots.


I decided to re-evaluate my approach to Big Year in 2019. I found that the irresistible pull of competing meant that I was posting some shots just to get the numbers up; shots I would not normally have bothered sharing.

I also found that, as almost all my travels are in Africa, I was shooting the same birds every year and that because we can only post each species once I would post a shot in February and then find I got many better shots of the same bird later in the year.


So, I'm keeping a tally and will only start positing when I see how my year in panning out. I'd like to be able to post some different species too. We'll see. 

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@Soukous Each to their own but I would have thought that despite the 'pressure' to get the numbers rolling up one can still be selective. I am not sure if 'quality counts' in this thread and one can always post a "Product improvement" picture later. As to being confined to Africa I seem to recall you posted some good stuff from UK another year.  I have not left Europe yet and yes, there are some rubbish shots  in my score but that's how it goes!

So come on. Share the spoils and the fun.

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While numbers are important, as a photographer I am always trying to get a "new" perspective on a well known species (back home only). Some photos are put into "hold" folder, waiting if a better one could be taken. After a while, this folder needs to be "cleared", yet, if a better one is taken after posting the "original", why not sharing also that one?! This Big Year is about having fun, from both sides.

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What a great Ibis shot with this low angle!

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Peter Connan

Thanks everyone. @Kitsafari, yes, this was from a water-level hide.


@Soukous, last year I tried to post only good pictures, although a couple of rough ones did slip through. I also run a list, which has a second portion for EBC's which I may or may not use to reach a particular target towards the end of the year if I don't manage something better during the year.


I suspect next year my goal will be to post only BIF shots...

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Peter Connan

28) Little Grebe


Kleindobbertjie Tachybaptus ruficollis



12 January, Marievale

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