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Galana's Fifth - The only way from here is UP!


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Today was just as nice so after a bit of shopping I went looking for Rock Pipits on a local beach and got more than I bargained for. (Which is always nice!) It was an onshore wind so not a place to linger but ....


038. Rock Pipit.


but there was more to come from this particular bit of rock.




039. Eurasian Wren. I watched her come down from her rock and liked the typical features so included them.


And it was not over yet.



Among the Pieds and robins was this beauty.





040. Grey Wagtail. Looking very smart. Often found near water this chap had the whole Irish sea within metres.


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Dave Williams

You had the same bonus birds I have had on recent outings. I was catching you up too. Never mind!

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The day was not yet done.

A lovely soft cooing sound made me look to the shore and there was a nice pair of Eiders getting friendly so spring is in the air.

He went coy on her but looked lovely in the sunlight and flattish water of the bay.




041. Eider Drake. Tired of his exertions to win the lady he drifted off (literally).


And a look over the cottage wall produced a distant but well lit extra.


042. Song Thrush.

This all took place at a place I do not visit regularly called Port Moar. (Moar is 'big' in Manx) so Big bay or port.

I find it best at high tides when even Dolphins are possible but tend not to go too often as it can get busy with bloomin dog walkers.

Today the tide was early and relatively quiet (Fido has to wait until mumsy has done her shopping and had a coffee with lady chums) but even then I was eventually accosted by some woman with her unruly pack of Spaniel/poodly crosses who wondered if I was a geologist as I was obviously photographing rocks. "No missus. I am trying to photograph the birds on the bloody rocks." 

'Ooh! Are there birds down here on the shore? I never knew. Show me some please!'

"Look over there at the Wagtails just by the sign that reads 'No admittance. Footpath closed for repairs'":(




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A good days birding. Im surprised to see the Wren on the beach rocks,( but what do I know). 

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Indeed a lovely day out, with great weather and interesting birds!

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57 minutes ago, elefromoz said:

Im surprised to see the Wren on the beach rocks,( but what do I know). 

What do any of us know when it comes to birds.

But to explain the rocks are a beach path that then winds along the cliff side so really the main area is vegetated as any other wild space. It just happens to border the rocky beach which harbours sand flies etc so gets visited by other than normal 'shore' birds. Thus..


Easy access to food is just a short hop away down.

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I ventured out again after shopping for fresh supplies ahead of a good blow. There is a big depression in mid Atlantic that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden. At least the winds will swing south west so the cold snap will end.


Meantime....back in unusual freezing conditions...


043. Wood Pigeon skating on ice.


But the Red-necked Wallabies enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.



Almost time to prepare the evening meal.

Fresh caught Halibut with an Italian Cream sauce. We old uns need to keep up our strength.





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19 hours ago, Galana said:

Almost time to prepare the evening meal.

I first thought this was the caption of the Wallaby photo, but perhaps they don't go down well with cream sauce :huh:

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I would never eat Wallaby tail without a fruity Aussie Red.


Last evening the Halibut was helped down by a Chenin Blanc called 'Under the Lemon Tree' from South Africa.

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On 2/12/2021 at 9:35 PM, PeterHG said:

I first thought this was the caption of the Wallaby photo, but perhaps they don't go down well with cream sauce :huh:

No wallaby definitely goes better with a nice red wine sauce

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Dave Williams
3 minutes ago, shazdwn said:

No wallaby definitely goes better with a nice red wine sauce

I'd jump at the chance to try some!

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No wallaby tails for @Dave Williamstoday as I stuck to the coast.

Half term for kids so the disturbance index was somewhat higher than ideal. We don't have social distancing anymore but I would like it permanent and extending by a factor of 1000%. Two kilometres not just two metres.


But some progress was made and the Golden Plover and Dunlin huddled for self protection from the invaders.


whilst the Ringed Plover kept a good lookout.


All repeats but felt them worthy of inclusion particularly as some of my true offerings are marginal.


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So here are today's results. Some sunshine, temps up to 50F but a chill wind.




044. Eurasian Blackbird.  Ballakesh.




045. Mistle Thrush.  Ballaghennie. Try as I might I could not get it to face the camera.

My real target was another Turdus in the same field..who was even less cooperative.




046. Fieldfare. 

I was hoping to find some who did not have the correct paperwork to return to EU so were still with us.




047. Eurasian Coot don't need the new Blue Passports or papers as they are with us year round.:P


And finally for the morning's outing.



048. Collared Dove. Ballakesh.


Sorry no tourist photos as we did not go to town. I must do better.

Here are two I prepared earlier.


Ramsey Swing Bridge. We cross this each time to reach the shops.


Ramsey Harbour entrance at low tide.





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Well the rain has stopped. "February Filldyke" is very apt as this reveals..


Normally a dry heathland. I only hope our Lizards that live here made it OK.



My track to the shore. The 'stobs' are not to guide you if under flood but to stop cars parking off the road.

Not much chance of that today.:D

A short walk had me finding a large Jack Wallaby taking the sunshine.


Quite a big chap of around 50llbs I would guess.



To the birds....



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049. Chaffinch. A fine Cock bird. In the Pink as it were. I was pleased to catch him today but later on will no doubt curse him and his kind for aggressive Photo bombing.





050. One of my perennial favorites. Blue Tit. Posing nicely.





051. Coal Tit.   Especially pleasing as  failed to get one at all last year and here they were as always in my very own patch at Ballakesh.

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12 hours ago, Galana said:

050. One of my perennial favorites


Congratulations on the half century. It's just a shame that your spelling has gone trans-Atlantic :o

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Congratulations on 50 and some sunshine!

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1 hour ago, Soukous said:

It's just a shame that your spelling has gone trans-Atlantic 

Not me. Blame @Game Warden's system. Where I notice them I intervene but the odd one does get through. Bloody Yanks coming over here and ruining our language just to save a few letters!:D

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Another birder at #50, sans travelling and only at mid February! Congratulations!

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thanks @TonyQ@Tdgraves@Soukous@PeterHGand @xelasfor the acknowledgment of my half century. It has been hard going what with some really atrocious weather at times as well as not wishing to go far from home at times like this. Just think I was heading for 300 at this time last year and watching a Shikra bathe from my garden chair.



Number 30. BY 2020. 8th February.  How things can change.

I should be packing for Namibia about now but cannot grumble. It looks like I will get to the Hebrides this year if all goes well. Got my jabs, the Ferry tix, two places on the boat to Lunga and Martin has promised a bottle of Malt for Uist.

Hopefully  'From here the only way is up!' Inshallah

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congrats on the 50th! the weather can only get better very soon = isn't it spring seeping in?


I'll love sitting in your garden chair just for the shikra too.

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Belated congratulations from me as well.


I have not yet amassed 50, despite it being summer here!

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Thanks @Kitsafariand @Peter Connan

I suppose 50 in the worst of the year is OK as I have been mopping up on regulars and a few winter visitors before they go back north. Despite another dreich day I can take cheer from the BTO cuckoo tracking chart, where two are heading north again, that Spring will be coming.

Sitting yesterday looking at 'my' tree in Ballakesh it was hard to imagine that last year I photoed Flycatchers, Blackcaps, Whitethroats and Willow Warblers perched there singing.  Faith.

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