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BY 2022 - Soukous (even if there are no birds, you can still enjoy the music)

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brilliant shots of African birds. we do miss them much. 

3 hours ago, Soukous said:

Chat Flycatcher looks promising.

My thought as well, for what it’s worth.

A beautiful set of additions again!


"Coy?" Moi? Was I encouraging you to look again at your Cisticola? Yes indeed.

As for the lady version of Grey-backed Sparrowlark I have my doubts. The bill looks wrong to me. I would go with Tracey's view it is another Rufous-naped Lark.

Your ID request I think they are (un)Familiar Chats. I think I detect a hint of the chestnut ear coverts in the left hand one. Juvs.

A good haul at Khowarib. Those riverside chalets in the riparian trees are great balcony birding locations. I got most of mine there too. The Puffbacks and Paradise Flycatchers both had nests in march.

You may not have got as many as I but the quality is better.

pedro maia

Nice Namibian additions, looking forward for more!

13 hours ago, Galana said:

You may not have got as many as I but the quality is better.


Thank you.


My haul was significantly less than I hoped and significantly less than it might have been if I had not insisted on going to Kunene and had gone to the coast. We live & learn

13 hours ago, Galana said:

As for the lady version of Grey-backed Sparrowlark I have my doubts. The bill looks wrong to me.


The only reason I went for that was bacause there were a few of them socialising with the male Grey-backed Sparrow Lark

Posted (edited)

# 156 - Little Bee-eater - merops pusillis

Epupa falls, Namibia. April 2022


I had been hoping for some Olive Bee-eaters, but never found any.


Little Bee-eater


#157 - Damara Red-billed Hornbill - Tockus damarensis

Khowarib, Namibia. April 2022


Damara Red-billed Hornbill


#158 - Helmeted Guineafowl - Numida meleagris

Opuwo, Namibia. April 2022


Helmeted Guineafowl


#159 - White-tailed Shrike - Lanioturdus torquatus

Opuwo, Namibia. April 2022


I had no luck finding this bird in the Erongo Mountains but this one just presented itself as we were leaving Opuwo Country Lodge. It was quite confiding so I guess it is a regular.

White-tailed Shrike


White-tailed Shrike


#160 - Abdim's Stork - Ciconia abdimii

Etosha, Namibia. April 2022


Abdims stork


Edited by Soukous
59 minutes ago, Soukous said:

#159 - White-tailed Shrike - Lanioturdus torquatus

I dipped on this one which is unusual. One of my favourites. Always quite bold. On seeing my first I dubbed it a Wheatear with a bad attitude.

You are doing well. Whilst the coast is attractive you were leaving it a bit late for migrants and Kunene is good along the river.  A bit late for most BeeEaters but there are compensations.

Posted (edited)

time for a few maybes

I won't add them until I have the ID confirmed


Tawny Eagle ???

Tawny Eagle


Lesser-spotted Eagle ???

Lesser Spotted Eagle


I saw this at Jakkalswater in Etosha, huddled down at the far side of the pan.

It looks like a Tern to me, even though the book shows none should occur here. Damara Tern, maybe?

Damara Tern_maybe


Edited by Soukous

and aother ID query


I think this is a pale Black-chested Snake Eagle

Black-chested Snake Eagle


Black-chested Snake Eagle



OK. From the top.

Your Tawny is actually a juv Bataleur.

The jury is out on the Lesser Spotted. No stronger than 'could be' in equal measure to Tawny.

Your Tern is a juv. Whiskered.

Pt. 2. Juv Black-chested Snake as you foretold.


Excellent, thank you. 2 more ticks


and this one, which I think is immature Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk


Southern pale Chanting Goshawk_juv



It is indeed. Not sure of the 'southern' bit. I have only known them in three flavours, Dark,  Eastern and Pale but no doubt these book publishers have to make a living somehow.:P


#161 - Fawn-coloured Lark - Calendulauda africanoides

Etosha, Namibia. April 2022


Fawn-coloured Lark


Fawn-coloured Lark


#162 - Common Ostrich - Struthio camelus

Etosha, Namibia. April 2022




#163 - Woolly-necked Stork -Ciconia episcopus

Etosha, Namibia. April 2022


Woolly-necked Storks


#164 - Wattled Starling - Creatophora cinerea

Etosha, Namibia. April 2022


Wattled Starling


Wattled Starling


~165 - Northern Black Korhaan - Afrotis afraoides

Etosha, Namibia. April 2022



Northern Black Korhaan


Northern Black Korhaan


Mrs & junior

Northern Black Korhaan


Northern Black Korhaan



# 166 - Bateleur (juvenile) - Terathopius ecaudatus

Etosha, Namibia. May 2022


Bateleur, juv


#167 - Capped Wheatear - Oenanthe pileata

Etosha, Namibia. April 2022


Capped Wheatear


Capped Wheatear


#168 - Lesser Spotted Eagle - Clanga pomarina

Etosha, Namibia. May 2022


Lesser Spotted Eagle


#169 - Double-banded Courser - Rhinoptilus africanus

Etosha, Namibia. April 2022


Double-banded Courser


#170 - Whiskered Tern - Chlidonias hybrida

Etosha, Namibia. May 2022


Whiskered tern, juv



Nicely captured, @Soukous!


#171 - Double-banded Sandgrouse - Pterocles bicinctus

Etosha, Namiba. May 2022


Double-banded Sandgrouse_f


Double-banded Sandgrouse


#172 - Lilac-Breasted Roller - Coracias caudatus

Etosha, Namibia. May 2022


We'd been seeing these lovely birds several time every day, but always on a telegraph wire or pole. I didn't want that shot.


Lilac-breasted Roller


#173 - African Grey Hornbill - Lophoceros nasutus

Etosha, Namibia. May 2022


African Gey Hornbill


African Gey Hornbill


#174 - Black-chested Snake Eagle - Circaetus pectoralis

Etosha, Namibia. May 2022


This one doesn't look to have a very black chest, but it is just a young 'un

Black-chested Snake Eagle


Black-chested Snake Eagle


#175 - Greater Kestrel - Falco rupicoloides

Etosha, Namibia. May 2022


Greater Kestrel


Greater Kestrel


#176 - Black-shouldered (Black-winged) Kite - Elanus caeruleus

Etosha, Namibia. May 2022


I think we saw 4 of these in total, but this was the only one that I was able to photograph

Black-shouldered Kite


#177 - Pied Crow - Corvus albus

Olifantsrus, Etosha. May 2022


Pied Crow


#178 - Cape Crow - Corvus capensis

Olifantsrus, Etosha. MAy 2022


The area around Olifantsrus had a lot of crows, which given the place's history as the location where elephant carcasses were butchered, gave it a sinister feeling.

Cape Crow


#179 - Lanner Falcon - Falco biamicus

Etosha, Namibia. April 2022


I was late spotting this one as I was concentrating on elephants.

Lanner falcon


and I was late again when it flew past as I was photographing smaller species in the bushes

Lanne Falcon


#180 - Lappet-faced Vulture - Torgos tracheliotis

Etosha, Namibia. April 2022


There was a gathering of vultures on the ground about 50 metres away, but the grass was long and we could not see what had drawn them there.

This was a late arrival.


Lappet-faced Vulture


Lappet-faced Vulture


Lappet-faced Vulture



Your Namibian total is coming along nicely with some pleasing photos.


#181 - Violet-eared Waxbill - Granatina granatina

Dolomite Resort, Etosha. April 2022


This was one of the birds I had hoped to see/photograph, so I was very happy to find it chirping away on top of a bush. If only it had been a bit closer.


Violet-eared Waxbill


Violet-eared Waxbill


sadly, for me, the Waxbill flew off and I could not find it again. But there were other pretty birds about.


#182 - Cinnamon-breasted Bunting - Emberiza tahapisi

Dolomite Resort, Etosha. April 2022


Cinnamon-breasted Bunting


Cinnamon-breasted Bunting


#183 - Violet-backed Starling - Cinnyricinclus leucogaster

Dolomite Resort, Etosha. April 2022


I only got 1 shot, and not a very good one. I had been watching the female for a minute or so when the male flew in and then they both flew off immediately.

Violet-backed Starling

We stopped in at Okaukuejo on our way to Halali so that I could have half an hour hunting among the trees by the waterhole. There was actually quite a lot there.


#184 - Red-billed Quelea - Quelea quelea

Etosha, Namibia. May 2022


Red Bill quelea


Red Bill quelea


further down the road we pulled in at Reitfontein where many more Red-billed Queleas were putting on a show.

Red Bill queleas


and in the evening I walked down the waterhole at Halali, where there were more of them, a lot more

Red Bill queleas


Red Bill queleas


#185 - Ant-eating Chat - Mermecocichla formicivora

Etosha, Namibia. May 2022


Ant-eating Chat


#186 - Shaft-tailed Whydah - Vidua regia

Okaukuejo waterhole, Etosha. May 2022


Shaft-tailed Whydah


Long-tailed Paradise Whydahs were there as well, but I couldn't get a decent photo.


#187 - Red-headed Finch - Amadina erythrocephala

Okaukuejo waterhole, Etosha. May 2022




#188 - Green-winged Pytilia - Pytilia melba

Okaukuejo waterhole, Etosha. May 2022


Green-winged pytillia


Green-winged pytillia

#189 - Marabou Stork - Leptoptilos crumenifer

Etosha , Namibia. May 2022


Marabou Stork


#190 - Souther White-crowned Shrike - Eurocephalus anguitimens

Etosha, Namibia. May 2022


adult & juvenile

Southern White-crowned Shrike


Southern White-crowned Shrike



Now a couple I need some help with




a Snake Eagle, but which one?




also seen at Okaukuejo waterhole


Martin, I would say black-chested snake-eagle and long-billed crombec

5 hours ago, Soukous said:

a Snake Eagle, but which one?

Only two it can be and it ain't Brown.

Only one for the Crombec.

13 hours ago, Galana said:

Only two it can be and it ain't Brown.

Only one for the Crombec.



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