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Zim Girl's 7th Big Year 2024

Zim Girl

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Where does the time go?  I can't believe this is my seventh year.

I will never get anywhere near the big hitters on BY but I still quite enjoy having a little battle with myself.  There are still a good number of birds in the UK that I have never seen, so reason enough to keep going.  My most wanted 2 small birds remain the same as last year, waxwing and brambling.  Much fewer than normal sightings of bramblings this winter than previous, so that isn't looking likely.  Lots of waxwings around, we have tried several times and keep missing out, but there is still time for them.  Determined to try and find Ptarmigan in Scotland this year as well.  Green woodpecker is one we are always trying to find.  I've only ever got the one distant photo in 2022 and no chance of anything since.  

I am still using the little Panasonic FZ330 bridge camera.  

As always I try to post the best quality photos I can, but with the above camera and the unwillingness of most birds to come close and stay still, that isn't always easy :D.


To kick off, I have all 3 species of swan and a UK lifer.  


We went back up to the coastal area near Lancaster where large numbers of Whoopers and a small number of Bewick's overwinter every year.  At the beginning of December we found just one small group of Whoopers, but now there are 150+ across the fields.  We had to do a bit more searching to find the Bewick's which were hiding among the Mutes.  All birds were miles away from our closest view point so quality is out of the window at the start.


UK 1.  Whooper Swan




Fields near Glasson, Lancs  -  06/01/24



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UK 2.  Bewick's Swan


Fields near Glasson, Lancs  -  06/01/24

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I would normally try to post a better picture of the Mute swan, but I thought it was a good idea to post all 3 swans together, seeing as we saw them all on the same day.


UK 3.  Mute Swan


Lancaster Canal  -  06/01/24


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So my first UK lifer, (optimistically hoping for more), were in a field not too far from the swans.  Obviously seen plenty in Africa, but the first time at home. There was a small group of 4, but I couldn't quite get them all together.


UK 4.  Western Cattle Egret




Fields near Glasson  -  06/01/24


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Our first stop when we walk in this area is Conder Pool, close to Glasson.  There is always something going on there.  I spotted an odd looking goose which I will post below.  While I was looking at it a Barn owl flew over a few times.  I got some pics but will hold out for better later on.


I think this goose is probably a hybrid Canada with something else, Greylag maybe.  It is similar size to the greylag which can be seen in the 2nd picture.

What do you think?







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I think you are right @Zim Girl but I’m not sure it counts as a tick ^_^

someone else with a Bewick’s - I’ve never seen one and fewer are appearing in the uk now.

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Well done with the three swans in one day. I have not seen a Bewicks, nor a Cattle Egret in the UK!


I think your goose is likely a Canada-Greylag hybrid. We see a few of them in areas where both species occur


Good to see you in the Big Year again

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I don't think I've ever seen Bewicks or Whooper swans, all three in one day is a great start to the year!



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Good start of the year with the three swans and lifer. The cattle egrets certainly seems to expanding their territory. It used to be very rare over here, but more and more are seen each year. 

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A good start with a lifer and the Bewicks. I am sure you will get a Ptarmigan eventually. I have seen them up on Cairngorm which I know you frequent.

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congrats on a UK lifer and nailing all the three swans in one go. way to start your BY 2024. 

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Peter Connan

A great start to the year!

The Greylag is worth a tick, even if the hybrid isn't.

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Thank you @Tdgraves, @TonyQ, @JimS, @PeterHG, @Galana, @Kitsafari and @Peter Connan.

The Whoopers and Bewick's come over to this same area every year.  According to the most recent sighting, the Whoopers are numbering 200 at present.  There are normally only around 5-6 Bewick's.  We are also reading about more cattle egret sightings.

I wasn't going to count the hybrid in any way.  I will get Canada and Greylag separately at some point.  Just thought I would post it out of interest.  It's not surprising given the numbers of geese we get round here in winter.

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A great 2024 start and trying to capture as much of the local bird life as possible is an excellent idea ! 

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A čifer on the home ground is always an excellent start of the Big Year! 

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A great start Angie, Bewick's would be a lifer for me, and Whooper is extremely rare in Austria. Cattle Egrets bred the very first time in Austria in 2022,they are certainly on their way to world dominion! 

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16 hours ago, michael-ibk said:

A great start Angie, Bewick's would be a lifer for me, and Whooper is extremely rare in Austria. Cattle Egrets bred the very first time in Austria in 2022,they are certainly on their way to world dominion! 

Thank you Michael.  Yes, we are lucky that we have a swan over wintering area just up the coast from us.  Bewick's now numbering 12 apparently.

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  • 3 weeks later...

UK lifer number 2 coming up.  So pleased with this. We were beginning to think we had missed our chance this winter with this bird, as there have been fewer and fewer sightings in our area.

We were walking in Cumbria on Saturday morning when we could see on bird alert that 4 waxwings had been seen at a motorway service station on the M6.  We would be going past that station on the way home, but not for a few hours yet so we weren't holding our breath.

Anyway, later in the afternoon we pulled in and could immediately see the birds on top of one of the trees.  OMG, talk about excitement.  It took a while but eventually I was able to get a few reasonable shots.  

Waxwing has been top of my most wanted UK birds since I started BY, so only taken 7 years, but got there in the end :).


UK 5.  Waxwing

This one not the best picture but does show it's tongue.














Lancaster Services M6  -  03/02/24

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Congratulations with your Waxwing , one I am indeed very jealous off;) , and some great shots of that lifer ! 

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Excellent, I am really pleased for you.

It was worth the wait!

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Waxwings galore! Great photos!

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What the others said.

You gottit.

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Peter Connan
14 hours ago, Galana said:

What the others said.

You gottit.


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