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Tdgraves less big year 2018


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Marievale, 28/1/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 1600, f6.3, 1/500




211) Black-crowned night-heron

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Now I think that is it for the Kruger. I can't for the life of me find a photo of a groundscraper thrush or an openbill and I know damn well that I did not manage to get a dusky lark. In general, we were down on larks and lapwings and did not see any white storks (I assume due to lack of rain). I can only hope I find a few more once I start my TR...

So that is 205 for RSA. My list says KNP 177 and Marievale 68, but there would have been a lot of overlap, so I assume that I must have caught most of them on camera.


The sun is out now, so I'm off to find some warblers !!??!! :blink:

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Now you are showing us some real EBC, @Tdgraves! Not the Purple Heron, of course. Nice total from one country.

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Well done on passing the 200, and with only a very small number of EBC! A very high proportion of excellent photos.

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Dave Williams

Well done on 200 and making excellent progress. With so many taking part in BY 2018 with impressive  numbers I'm struggling to keep up with all the new postings!

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Congratulations on #200, well done!

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I am going to go a bit out of sequence now, as I was successful on Thursday and am a bit excited! I had only just turned off of the main road and I found my first new bird...luckily I already had the camera set up, as they did not stay for long.


RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1250




212) Yellow wagtail

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Another new one..again, not much time for photography


RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1250






213) Lesser whitethroat

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My final new bird of the day was a Cetti's warbler, but as is their wont, no chance of a photo. However, just after seeing it, I was serenaded by another bird. must be another warbler that I have never seen before. Nope. It was a dunnock!






already counted this year

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I also saw 5 different raptors, but am hoping for better chances throughout the year, so will only post a couple.


RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 1000, f5.6, 1/8000






Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 500, f5.6, 1/2500




214) Common buzzard (hopefully will get a better shot later in the year)

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and I got a marginally less bad shot of a western marsh harrier (already counted)






and there were lots of hobbies (already counted in KNP)



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RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/640




Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/2000




215) Carrion crow

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Lots of these around, but very secretive...


RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 1000, f7.1, 1/400






Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 500, f5.6, 1/800






216) Blackcap

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RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/125




217) Common starling at nest

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RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1600, EV +1/3




Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1250, EV +1/3








218) Mallard

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RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/2000




219) Greylag goose

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RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1600, EV +1/3




Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1250, EV +1/3




220) Great crested grebe

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And now for a couple of EBCs, first one who was shy...:(


RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1250, EV +1/3





221) Whitethroat

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And now for a couple of EBCs, first one who was shy...:(


RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 500, f7.1, 1/2000





222) Common cuckoo

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RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, 17/5/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/2000




223) Yellow-legged gull

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And I'll end with some action shots of coots (already counted)















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I love to see Coot with their chicks. A great trip to Fen Drayton with some excellent additions. I didn't know that Starlings nested in holes in trees.

I think your Cuckoo is a classic EBC - and much better than any Cuckoo I have this year :) - heard only so far!

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29 minutes ago, TonyQ said:

I love to see Coot with their chicks. A great trip to Fen Drayton with some excellent additions. I didn't know that Starlings nested in holes in trees.

I think your Cuckoo is a classic EBC - and much better than any Cuckoo I have this year :) - heard only so far!


@TonyQ neither did I. I heard noises as I walked under the tree and couldn’t see anything (because the noise was coming from the hole). I walked a bit further on and the noises recurred and when I looked back, the starling was next to the hole...


not much water fowl this time, but wrong time of year I suppose.

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Fen Drayton certainly produced ! Is #223 not Lesser Black-backed?

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2 hours ago, PeterHG said:

Fen Drayton certainly produced ! Is #223 not Lesser Black-backed?


I'll take your word for it @PeterHG - so much for relying on the sightings board....

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