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Tdgraves less big year 2018


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And judging by the fast pace in the USA, bird #300 is just around the corner :)!

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1 hour ago, xelas said:

And judging by the fast pace in the USA, bird #300 is just around the corner :)!


I haven't made a final count @xelas but I think you could be correct....

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We leave LA on 27th and make our way up the coast. My planned lunch stop also doubled as birding. There is an excellent beach restaurant here and it was jam packed on a Friday lunch time, so clearly a good choice. The first bird I saw was an acorn woodpecker, but I have better shots from another day.


Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 250, f 7.1, 1/800




255) Little blue heron

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 250, f 7.1, 1/800




256) Black-necked stilt

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 250, f 7.1, 1/1000




Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 500, f 8.0, 1/2000




257) Caspian tern

258) Elegant tern

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 200, f 7.1, 1/1000




Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 250, f 7.1, 1/1250




259) Snowy egret

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 500, f 8.0, 1/1600




260) Double-crested cormorant

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 500, f 8.0, 1/2000




Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 250, f 7.1, 1/1600




261) Brown pelican

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 250, f 7.1, 1/1600






262) Clark's grebe

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 250, f 7.1, 1/1250




263) Canada goose

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f 7.1, 1/800




264) Rough-winged swallow

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 250, f 7.1, 1/200




265) American crow

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f 7.1, 1/2500




Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 200, f 7.1, 1/1600




266) California gull

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f 7.1, 1/2500




267) Western gull

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Goleta beach park, Santa Barbara, USA, 27/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 500, f 8.0, 1/800




268) Great blue heron

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Wow, this was a productive trip with lots of great additions. And lots I've never heard of!

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a productive trip @Tdgraves lots of new additions from the USA and many that we haven't seen posted before. The count is rising rapidly.

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A duplicate already - northern mockingbird



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The next day, as we travelled north, we went to Morro bay, renowned for sea otters. There were a few birds as well....


Morro Bay, California, USA, 28/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f 7.1, 1/2500, EV +1/3




269) Herring gull

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Morro Bay, California, USA, 28/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f 7.1, 1/2000




270) White-crowned sparrow

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Morro Bay, California, USA, 28/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 320, f 7.1, 1/2000, EV +1/3




271) Ring-billed gull

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Big Sur, California, USA, 29/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 3200, f 6.3, 1/500






Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 3200, f 6.3, 1/640






272) California quail

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Big Sur, California, USA, 29/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 2500, f 5.6, 1/1250








273) Chestnut-backed chickadee

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Big Sur, California, USA, 29/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f 7.1, 1/2000




274) Turkey vulture

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Big Sur, California, USA, 29/4/18


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f 7.1, 1/2000




275) American barn swallow

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