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PeterHG's Big Year-4th time


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28. Goosander. Arkemheen 18 January. Perhaps I'll bget a better shot, but then again, why take the risk :)?





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29. Water Rail. Arkemheen, 18 January. I was very happy to see this one., if only for a few seconds.



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Great Cormorant. Arkemheen, 18 January. Very common, both summer and winter



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Beautiful shots!


I shall have to pull up my socks!

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Thanks, @Peter Connan, @Kitsafari @Galana and, of course @xelas for the reminder!

Friends of ours recently moved to a little village on the banks of the river Waal, about an hour's drive from where we live. We visited them yesterday and  they took us to a spot where they had seen some roosting owls a few weeks before. As it turned out they were still there, in a large pine tree, hiding between dense branches. There were five of them, almost impossible to get a good shot, but finally I got at least the eyes. Well, what more do you need with owls...


31. Long-eared Owl. Gelderland, 20 January



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32. Eurasian Collared Dove. Gelderland, 20 January.



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33. Great Tit. Gelderland, 20 January



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Dave Williams

Nice one getting the Owl!

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As above. Great shot to get the Owl. Plus others.

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Thanks all for the kind words. Owls are always special.

6 hours ago, xelas said:

Not only eyes, Peter, also long ears!

This sounds like a terrifying scene from Little Red Riding Hood....:D

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34. Eurasian Oystercatcher. IJmuiden, 21 January. Though still common, numbers have declined considerably over the last decades, mainly due to change in available mussel beds and mechanised cockle fishing. 



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35. Herring Gull. IJmuiden, 21 January. A walk along the pier of IJmuiden, about 3 kilometres long, often provides some interesting coastal birds. We had hoped to see some Purple Sandpipers, but no luck there. We did see some other BY additions, like the Herring Gull,. One cannot really miss them there.



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36. Ruddy Turnstone. IJmuiden, 21 January. Turnstones are always present as well.



Sometimes they were too confiding for a fixed 300mm lens.



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We felt we were being watched, too....



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37. Eurasian Rock Pipit. IJmuiden, 21 January. A rather uncommon and localized winter visitor, which can really only be seen at the coast. The IJmuiden pier is one of the most reliable sites.



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38. Common Guillemot/Common Murre. IJmuiden 21 January. If one brings a scope fairly large numbers of guillemots can be seen out at sea, mostly flying past. Every now and then a single bird ventures closer and we were lucky to find one today.



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4 hours ago, xelas said:

Looks like a lovely day out, and great birding!

Too true. Well done Peter.

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Dave Williams

You are motoring  Peter. 

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