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A return to Magical Kenya in the middle of the global Pandemic; A wet wet wet Mara; Cheetah everywhere; Chalo Africa with Asilia; Superb Naboisho Conservancy and lots lots more................


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As 2020 was ending, I had more and more of an itch to return to Africa.  I knew quite a few people from India who had made it to Kenya in November and December ......... Why not try and go there while India and Kenya share a travel bubble???  We set the ball rolling and magically Thanks to @Sangeetaand her wonderful team from Chalo Africa along with their solid partners Asilia  ........ we are all back from a fabulous safari.  


As usual this will be mostly photo instalments, but, do ask questions if you have any ......... 


Picture two is Super Cheetah Mum Kuahidi with a backdrop of the absolutely stunning Balanyte Valley ......

Picture three are Imani's little Cubs (in the reserve) 

Picture six is Kuahidi's only surviving cub (a young male) 

Picture eight - How lucky to get a Gymnogene in flight ....... 

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Big Thank You to the team at Asilia for all the wonderful hospitality at both the Camps .......... Lewis and Becca at Rekero are one of the best hosts we've had in all of Africa and they've a wide experience of hosting in the Luangwa valley......... Super times.  Thanks also to the superb flexibility at the Asilia camps with many lunches sent out to the bush to enable me to maximise my time with the active cheetah........ I can't Thank them enough for this superb flexibility.  I am also, very Thankful for WIFI in camp in a small WIFI tent (in this day of the new normal, I much appreciate that) ........... and while I was away, India did manage to upset the Aussies at the Gabba in a near miraculous run chase on day 5!!! 


Next lot - Some more images of Kuahidi and son and their interaction with some neighbourhood pests aka the Hyena.


Also Kuahidi and son feeding on a piglet.  


Some general images from the fabulous Naboisho conservancy.


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Edited by madaboutcheetah
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Welcome home @madaboutcheetahI think you'll have quite a few people following along with your adventures.



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Thanks a lot @Game Warden- I was truly appreciative to be back in Kenya and equally appreciative of the warm Kenyan hospitality and safe journey back home.

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Wow! Great photos @madaboutcheetah


Gamewarden's right, you have a starved safari audience on full alert now.  :)  Can't wait to see more shots from your trip.



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Thanks for sharing Hari. Great to see you had a super safari. 

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Thanks a lot @Atdahland @Soukous


In this instalment, 


Pictures 1-3 of Egyptian Goose at the Naboisho bridge/ crossing point

4-6 Kuahidi and her son

picture 8 - very lucky to find Neebati with her two young cubs


9 and 10 - Lions a main stay at Naboisho camp.  They pass through the vicinity of camp all the time and one night they were roaring right next to our tents.  


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It is almost too much to bear to look at these, since we just canceled (postponed, really) our Mara trip for next month. It broke my heart but... Just too many uncertainties right now. But I am happy for you that you were brave enough to go and had a fabulous time. And as usual your photos are fantastic.


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4 hours ago, madaboutcheetah said:

As usual this will be mostly photo instalments

Don't think you can get away with that, members will want to imbibe every single micro detail in every single word of every single installment...


You can start with something like:


“I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills.” - Isak Dinesen, Out of Africa.







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Excellent photography, Hari but more importantly unfortunately increasing rare current images of the bush. Must say looks great unaffected or even, dare I say, thriving during the pandemic. The locals, camps, safari guides and all the support staff are clearly suffering, but those like you who make the significant effort to get there, obviously help. In the Mara support of the conservancies is more important than ever but so also the main park. 

Brings back pleasant memories of my fabulous stay at Naboisho Camp and afternoon at Rekero  all too many years ago. 

Welcome home. 

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@janzin- So sorry to hear of your postponement ........ but, I'm sure you will be back later in the year.  It really is very very wet at the moment. 

@Game Warden- :) 

@AKR1 - Thank You - the Mara looks green and very very wet with constant rain.  Actually, I think Kenya have had pretty good support by encouraging local tourism from Nairobi right after they opened up after lockdown.  Not brutally hit like some other countries.  

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1 hour ago, madaboutcheetah said:

rain.  Actually, I think Kenya have had pretty good support by encouraging local tourism from Nairobi right after they opened up after lockdown.  Not brutally hit like some other countries.  

Good to hear. I hear in Botswana safari staff is really hurting right now. 

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Really great pictures, as always, @madaboutcheetah. I'm very jealous you got up go to Africa, we're scheduled for next February and hopefully everything will fall into place. We've got four nights in Naboisho as part of that trip, it's always good to hear positive reviews. 

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Awesome Hari, really happy for you that you managed to get there! Gorgeous photos as always, looking forward to more.

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Hari, how fortunate you are that you were able to go.  So many of us are starved for trip reports and enjoying this one very much.  And, holding our breath that we will get to Africa later in the year.  More please.

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@AKR1yes, I hear so too.... going to be bad for awhile especially with the SA dependence.


thanks a lot @michael-ibkand @margand @Zubbie15

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Glad the Mara worked our for you Hari. Was also a real pleasure meeting with you in Nairobi for a meal. Looking forward to visiting you in South India one day (hopefully very soon!).

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1 hour ago, loafer247 said:

Glad the Mara worked our for you Hari. Was also a real pleasure meeting with you in Nairobi for a meal. Looking forward to visiting you in South India one day (hopefully very soon!).


Thanks again for a wonderful time, @loafer247 - You absolutely must come here soon!! 

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Great photos Madaboutcheetah


the. cheetahs look in prime condition 


it is good to see that someone can get to wild Africa and support the reserves







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Beautiful. How lucky for you to have managed such a trip.

23 hours ago, madaboutcheetah said:

and while I was away, India did manage to upset the Aussies at the Gabba in a near miraculous run chase on day 5!!! 

No complaints from me. Possibly the best cricket Ive ever seen, I was cheering those Indian players on, couldn't contain my excitement when Pant was whacking those balls all over the place. 

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Thanks @COSMIC RHINOand @elefromoz (We also had the operations manager of Asilia stop to offer his congratulations - he's an Aussie too!!) 


In today's instalment 

1.) Dik Dik

2.) One of Entito's cubs up on tree to escape a stampeding Wildebeest herd

3.) Entito

4.) and 5.) Entito's brave cub

6.) Genet cat

7.) Not a great photo - but, genet and Leopard up the same tree (look carefully) - we were late to the airstrip to fly out!! That's my excuse for the botch up photo ;)

9 and 10.) The Entito family again ...... 

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Wow, what a great experience with the leopard and genet in the same tree! 

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5 hours ago, campsafari2015 said:

Wow, what a great experience with the leopard and genet in the same tree! 


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I'm in Cheetah Heaven!

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Great stuff @madaboutcheetahfully appreciate this so far awesome TR.


Not so appreciative however of the reminder of the cricket result, but credit where its due, the Indians played marvelously!


Looking forward to the rest.

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