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Tdgraves big year 2019


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Indeed; a crop and pushing the exposure would probably show the bird in much better light.

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Gal Oya NP, Sri Lanka, 23/1/19


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 4000, f 5.6, 1/1000, EV +1 






90) Sri Lanka grey hornbill (endemic)

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3 minutes ago, xelas said:

Indeed; a crop and pushing the exposure would probably show the bird in much better light.


not really....



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A good number of  additions from Sri Lanka, @Tdgraves ! I love that Nuthatch, it's one I missed.

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i like the nuthatch too! and the brown anything but dull bellied flycatcher. 

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Gal Oya NP, Sri Lanka, 23/1/19


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 2000, f 5.6, 1/640, EV +1 1/3 




91) Sri Lanka woodshrike (endemic)

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Gal Oya NP, Sri Lanka, 23/1/19


Canon 5D mark iii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 1250, f 7.1, 1/800, EV +1/3 




92) Brown-capped pygmy woodpecker

First into my gallery resized to new specs...

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A couple of duplicates to end the game drive







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Gal Oya NP, Sri Lanka, 23/1/19


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 320, f 7.1, 1/1000




93) Yellow wagtail

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Gal Oya NP, Sri Lanka, 23/1/19


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 400, f 7.1, 1/1000




94) Marsh sandpiper

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Gal Oya NP, Sri Lanka, 23/1/19


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 640, f 5.6, 1/1250




95) Common sandpiper

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Gal Oya NP, Sri Lanka, 23/1/19


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 800, f 6.3, 1/1600




96) Wood sandpiper

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Gal Oya NP, Sri Lanka, 23/1/19


Canon 7D mark ii, 100-400 mark ii, ISO 1000, f 7.1, 1/1000










97) Painted stork

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We did actually tick off no 100 on this boat cruise, but there were a couple that we had just a glimpse of and no chance of a shot. However, given that the light was gorgeous and I have already uploaded them, some waterbird duplicates!!




Good to get an idea of the size difference (impossible from the books)


























































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I especially like the in flight shots of the Pelican.

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Dave Williams

Have you tried a 1.4TC with the 100-400? I find it works surprisingly well. The AF slows down somewhat for flight shots and the bokeh isn't the best at f8 but it makes a very capable and lightweight 140-560mm lens that delivers sharp results.

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@Dave Williams  I have, as it was a Christmas gift. I didn’t really get on with it, but mainly tried on the 7d, probably in situations where I shouldn’t have bothered. We did take it to Sri Lanka, but given the high iso that was required most of the time, it did not get used. Maybe I should try again,  now that I have a 5D mark iv :ph34r: ?


definitely would need african light though, not like yesterday when I tried using the new 5d rather than the 7d down at the reservoir....

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If one has to chose between the TC or the crop sensor for getting the reach, crop sensor wins, IMO. As long as the cameras are about the same generations.

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Peter Connan

Gorgeous in-flight shots of the Yellow-billed Stork and the Palican!

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Dave Williams

Choosing between the 5D4 and the  7D2 I'd go 5D4 every time. Hasn't got the crop sensor but it's got a much better one for low light and a lot more pixels to compensate too. It really is a brilliant camera. It just annoys me a bit that you have so many features ( I love the touch screen controls when I remember I have them!) on it compared to my 1DX2 which cost me twice as much.

Incidentally I sold my 7D2 because it just didn't do it for me, can't say what it was but I decided 3 DSLR's were ridiculous so one had to go. A toss up at the time between a 5D3 and the 7D2.

Edited by Dave Williams
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1 hour ago, Dave Williams said:

Choosing between the 5D4 and the  7D2 I'd go 5D4 every time. Hasn't got the crop sensor but it's got a much better one for low light and a lot more pixels to compensate too. It really is a brilliant camera. It just annoys me a bit that you have so many features ( I love the touch screen controls when I remember I have them!) on it compared to my 1DX2 which cost me twice as much.

Incidentally I sold my 7D2 because it just didn't do it for me, can't say what it was but I decided 3 DSLR's were ridiculous so one had to go. A toss up at the time between a 5D3 and the 7D2.


@Dave Williams  I was holding out for the new 7d3 as I was never happy with the focussing of the 7d2 compared to the 5d3, but I got a deal that I couldn’t refuse for a new 5d4 on eBay and have sold the 5d3 to help pay for it! The 7d2 has it’s place and is great for subjects which are close, but every time I switched to the 5d3 in Sri Lanka, I was impressed at how much better it was. We’ll wait to see how that changes with the new camera in September...

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Dave Williams

The 5D4 near matches the 1DX2 for high ISO performance but the AF and FPS isn't as good which is the only time I use it now, action shots. You can buy a battery grip for it too which not only gives you less chance of needing to change batteries at a crucial moment but also delivers a higher FPS. Personally I have never bothered but lots do although some might just do it for appearances. People are impressed with size. I'm impressed with light weight nowadays! Download the app and you can use the camera by remote control with your phone too.

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