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Galana's sixth. Building on what was started.


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Did you like the cunning way I chose the backgrounds so I could blend the shots to look as though there were more birds?

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Dave Williams

Had me fooled Fred.I thought you had excellent depth of field in the Eider shots;)


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oooh your BIF shots are coming along great, and nice shot of the Eider in flight - they're growing on me although the King Eider is still a more handsome bird and I hope to see it one day soon!

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The sunshine after the storms tempted me out today without checking the air temperature. Got to the usual spot to huge seas and light snow. But a ringed red-billed chough came in close as well as some Ringed Plovers. The Goldies have been absent the last few trips  but 22 there today with heads to wind. They even did a quick flyby so I could not resist having a go as it may be the last time this spring I see them.

Here are a couple of shots just to prove the camera has not rusted up. It may be a while before I can post again as only four more sleeps before we start for Namibia so household chores must take precedent.


Red-billed Chough with ring. One of our home bred birds.



Cold Golden Plovers.




One already anticipating spring time. Good for it.

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Namibia! Now that is something to look forward to. I hope you ‘ll have a safe journey and a great trip there!

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1 hour ago, PeterHG said:

Namibia! Now that is something to look forward to.

Thanks. I have certainly had lots of time to do the looking forward. I put this trip together in late 2019 to take place in the 'green' season only to have Covid get in the way in 2020 and 2021. So when things looked to be improving last October I hit the 'go' button and bought plane tickets.

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Have a great trip @Galana. Namibia is awesome. Are you going to Etosha?

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Have a great trip Fred!

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Thank you everyone. We shall do our best and maybe even add a few ticks to my list whilst doing so.

@shazdwn. Yes we are going to Etosha for six nights. Three at Dolomite and three at Halali.

Attached is our route out of interest.


Scale is too large to show roads to Dusternbruk, Mundulea and Frans Indongo.

Especially looking forward to Mundulea following @Zim Girl's endorsement. My kind of place.

The 'red flag' was just to make the route thingy go via Grootburg pass and not through Khowarib Schlucht which is not for me in March. Sadly Kunene is closed too so no Rufous-tailed Palm Thrushes this trip.


Back in April but there is still a couple of finds from today to post.

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Another day of sunshine so I took myself out early. First to my Peregrine site but it was ringing wet from Franklin and nobody was home.

Then back up the coast where the goldies were also missing. Sighs of relief all round!

But there WAS a Great Northern Diver but it kept diving so no banana.

I did get a Fulmar as it flew by. A bit of an EBC but what the heck??


046. Northern Fulmar. Point of Ayre.


No goldies but the Ringed Plovers were in a friendly mood.



Two of the twenty or so in the flock. Who can resist?


On the drive home I broke my resolve to try and get a good portrait of a Jackdaw but these caught my eye so into the bag they go.



047. Jackdaw. Cranstal farm roof.


I also found a cooperative Stonechat and thought to nail it so I could count it's African cousin later.



048. Stonechat. Ayres Tip.


Trying to get 50 before I travel off island I called at Ballakesh but the only thing moving was this songster.



I turned the video on but the wind noise killed it.

The next two days are going to drag and the weather is improving.



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I wish you also to have great time in Namibia, @Galana! If only you would need a driver ...:D


Is March is too early for Caprivi? Any info on when Kunene will reopen?

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I can also recommend Mundulea, although we hardly saw any game when we were there! Beware though, Bruno takes no prisoners when walking…..

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3 hours ago, xelas said:

I wish you also to have great time in Namibia,

Thanks. Sadly the driving job has been filled. Caprivi will be very very wet. Last time we were there, January '17 we effectively closed Mudumu by locking the gate and having our Park fee waived. I understand Kunene River Lodge is closed for 2022 for renovations. But other camps are open along the river..

2 hours ago, Tdgraves said:

Beware though, Bruno takes no prisoners when walking…..

I have the white flag already packed.:P Looking forward to a more restful visit.

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On 2/26/2022 at 8:03 AM, Tdgraves said:

I can also recommend Mundulea, although we hardly saw any game when we were there! Beware though, Bruno takes no prisoners when walking…..

Also true when we were there, however the time spent with Bruno more than made up for it!

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Landed MAN on time 16.15 today 28th.

Got PCR tests 16.55/ Not nice.

Had nice dinner in Hotel.

Received two clear/negative PCR tests 20.25.  Logged them on Panabios. Love lady in Reception also printed TR Codes and certs off for me.

Sleep now.

Check in tomorrow. ETD 18.55.

Happy bunnies. ETA WDH 2nd March 13.25 local. Everything still crossed.

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14 hours ago, Galana said:


Landed MAN on time 16.15 today 28th.

Got PCR tests 16.55/ Not nice.

Had nice dinner in Hotel.

Received two clear/negative PCR tests 20.25.  Logged them on Panabios. Love lady in Reception also printed TR Codes and certs off for me.

Sleep now.

Check in tomorrow. ETD 18.55.

Happy bunnies. ETA WDH 2nd March 13.25 local. Everything still crossed.


@Galana- fantastic! My fingers are crossed for you to get there ASAP! I hope you have a brilliant time

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just got back to civilisation and fast wifi, hope you landed in NAM safely and good journey ahead!

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On 2/28/2022 at 11:35 PM, Galana said:

Everything still crossed.

As it needed to be. Trip report in course whilst the memory is still painful but fading in the clear light of Khomas uplands after the rain. All is well. Tick list is climbing nicely.

Here is a teaser to whet appetites. My best ever.


Will wait for a faster connection, if such exists so.....

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The first throes of the trip report is here..

Now in Swakopmund so all is well really. The benefit of a new 'Point of View'. Clue is in the name.

Eating at Tug this evening for a change. First hot meal since the Bass in Claytons on Monday.


Be seeing you.

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Glad you made it - enjoy! 

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Take it easy, Fred! Both on the roads and with the birds :D!

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8 minutes ago, xelas said:

Take it easy,

It is my middle name.

The scenery is lovely. Reminiscent of the English cheviots. So green.


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The list is progressing steadily as it would on a new continent.

We have now re-located to Swakopmund and have been disappointed to find my favourite birdiing site on the river about where the C48 crosses is now a building site with new By pass. The wet bit still yielded three species  but it is really a right off.

However our full day birding today was a modest success.

I know we can count old and dead birds but what about chicks?



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