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Zim Girl's 2nd Big Year 2019

Zim Girl

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Another daily visitor.  We have a pair that nest in a nearby tree and they regularly strut up and down the lawn.  They will also look through the windows but they like to let you know they are there by tapping with their beaks.  I really like watching this bird, they are very comical and have a lot of character.  Although they can also be a bit naughty, they like to stand on the car bonnet and try to pull the rubber off the wipers.


47.  Carrion Crow


Front garden  -  14/01/19



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We visited the Lancaster Canal early last month with this bird in particular, in mind.  I didn't get a very good picture last year and wanted better this time.  We were lucky enough to see several pairs but they are very skittish and there isn't a lot of cover along the canal bank to allow you to get close so these were my best shots.


48.  Goosander




Male & female


Lancaster Canal  -  09/03/19


I initially got a bit excited when I saw this duck but as I don't think I can identify it as anything else, I assume it is a Mallard hybrid.  Do you agree??



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There is a lovely little nature reserve just over the Lancashire border into Cumbria called Foulshaw Moss. It is run by the Cumbria Wildlife Trust and it's claim to fame is that it has one of the few public observation points for nesting Ospreys in the UK.  Outside of Osprey season it is a lovely place to wander along the boardwalks among the reeds and ponds and there has recently been a hide built in front of a wooded area with feeders, that attracts birds such as Reed Buntings, Siskins, Bramblings, Tree Sparrows and Redpolls among others.  In summer the reserve also attracts many species of dragon and damselflies.


In the last couple of days the two resident Ospreys have just returned to the nest.  The male, White YW and the female Blue 35, successfully raised three chicks last year and will hopefully do just as well this year.

There is a 24 hour webcam on the nest which can be seen on the Trust's website, hopefully this link will work.



Anyway, we had gone there earlier in the year looking for Bramblings but we only managed a Reed Bunting.


49.  Reed Bunting


Foulshaw Moss  -  05/01/19


And another, this time from Marton Mere.


Marton Mere  -  26/02/19

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Lovely Gossander - I’ve never got a shot even nearly that good! 


I think you’re albino duck might be quite unusual. I know it’s probably a mallard but to me it actually looks like an albino Gadwall 

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Thanks for the update on Foulshaw. I had been looking but must have missed them. I tuned in just now to see the female sorting out all the greenery to her satisfaction.

You have some great reserves near you.

Your duck is more like a cross with farmyard Aylesbury but the black bill is an oddity.

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Dave Williams

A very decent job on the male Goosander which is probably the most difficult bird I have tried to photograph successfully. Reminds me I must try again!

The proper name for your duck in "dinner"!

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Lovely additions, @Zim Girl and as Dave says, the male Goosander is very tricky to photograph, so every reason to be happy with your shots. Thanks for the Osprey cam link. I will keep an eye on that!

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19 hours ago, Dave Williams said:

The proper name for your duck in "dinner"!

Shame - pretty duck though!!

19 hours ago, Galana said:

You have some great reserves near you.

We are very lucky, the North Lancs/South Cumbria borders are awash with them.

We were pretty much glued to the Foulshaw osprey cam last year with the chicks doing so well.  They can be seen on the nest through a scope at the site but they also go fishing at Leighton Moss and surrounding areas so maybe this year we will be lucky enough to see that too.


So now for another 'uncommon bird' hotspot.  We didn't know this existed even though we have been walking in this area for years.  The car park of Sizergh Castle in South Cumbria is one of the top spots in the North of England to see the Hawfinch.  There are hornbeam trees there and the birds like to eat the seeds.  During mid Feb to March they run early morning 'Hawfinch watches' with a National Trust ranger on hand to help spot them. Dawn to 10am is best before the castle opens to visitors.  We went two weeks ago to try our luck.  We arrived at 9am.  A small group of scope toting birders were there, but they hadn't been seen yet. After 20 mins we were cold and ready to get on with our walk but the ranger spotted them at the tops of the trees, too far away for my camera but luckily after another 10 mins they dropped to the ground to feed.  This was still a long way off so I couldn't get the best picture but you can, at least, see what they are.  Notice the size difference with the chaffinches.


50.  Hawfinch


Sizergh Castle car park  -  23/03/19


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Dave Williams

Excellent ! I did once try the same spot for Hawfinch without any luck.


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This is the best view I have ever had of this bird not on a feeder. It was flitting from tree to tree drumming on each.


51.  Great Spotted Woodpecker





Salisbury Woodland, nr Marton Mere  -  11/03/19


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Way to go.

Some nice birds there. Patience is a great virtue. Lovely Woodpecker.

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16 hours ago, xelas said:

@Zim Girl, you should have borrowed th sofa from @mvecht, it will get you closer to Hawfinches :D.

I know.  I saw his gorgeous picture after I had posted mine.

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This is another resident bird in our garden.  They nest in the ivy on our garage and are often seen flitting around the edges of the pond looking for food.

I spotted this one just as it dropped out of the ivy and took a photo (through rather dirty windows after the latest round of crap weather).


52.  Wren



But then I caught it doing this!!!   Now I know who is digging out the pointing - Bad Wren!


Back garden  -  03/04/19


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Great additions here - I especially like the Water Rail and a lovely woodpecker

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Thanks Tony

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A couple of weekends ago we were in the Yorkshire Dales on a walk from Settle to Malham Tarn. Wheatears and pipits were seen in abundance and the song of the Skylark followed us throughout.  I expect to get better pictures of those later but I also have this Jackdaw taken on the side of a stone barn.


53.  Western Jackdaw


Settle, Yorkshire Dales  -  06/04/19

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Now for another bird that is an occasional visitor to our garden, but this is the first time I have been able to get a photo of it.  They are attracted to our fish pond but any movement from inside the house and they are off.

I happened to see this one actually land the other day.  Luckily the camera was within reach and I was able to crawl to the back door unseen and stick my head up above the glazing to take some shots.  It moved away from the pond to the lawn but stayed long enough for me to get a picture.


54.  Grey Heron


Back garden  -  09/04/19


Plus two better quality pictures taken previously


Stanley Park  -  04/04/19


Leighton Moss  -  08/04/19





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what a lovely spotted woodpecker!


and how nice of the grey heron to pay a visit to your home. :)

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1 hour ago, Kitsafari said:

and how nice of the grey heron to pay a visit to your home. :)

Mmm, yes and no.

It is nice to see them up that close, you appreciate how big they are, BUT it also means we have to keep our pond permanently netted or they will eat all our fish!!

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It's that time of year!!  Caught these two in the local park.


55.  Long-tailed Tit




Stanley Park  -  11/04/19


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A quick stop by Foulshaw Moss last Saturday gave me my 7th lifer so far this year.  This is a popular site for these birds along with Siskins, Tree sparrows and Reed Buntings.


56.  Lesser Redpoll




Foulshaw Moss  -  13/04/19


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7 lifers this year already! It's going to be a good year.

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2 hours ago, PeterHG said:

7 lifers this year already! It's going to be a good year.

I hope so, but the trick is finding all the ones I got last year as well  -  fun trying though!!

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Incredible a Heron would land in your garden. Here they are extremely shy and tend to stay as far away from humans as possible.

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