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Zim Girl's 2nd Big Year 2019

Zim Girl

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17 hours ago, michael-ibk said:

Incredible a Heron would land in your garden. Here they are extremely shy and tend to stay as far away from humans as possible.


I know, but they are tempted in by our fish and they will fly off at the slightest movement.

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Dave Williams
20 hours ago, Zim Girl said:


I know, but they are tempted in by our fish and they will fly off at the slightest movement.


Many years ago when I first moved from Liverpool and city dwelling to North Wales and a rural setting I decided to include a pond in to the patio I was building outside the lounge window. One morning I heard a blood curdling scream from my late wife who was downstairs and in the lounge. I rushed to her aid to see what the matter was only to find that when she'd opened the curtains she'd come face to face with what she declared was a Pterodactyl sat on the garden fence a few feet away.

She truly was a city girl!

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12 minutes ago, Dave Williams said:

she'd come face to face with what she declared was a Pterodactyl sat on the garden fence a few feet away.

That sight must have effectively trashed any hope she might become your birding pal one day :huh:.

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Dave Williams
38 minutes ago, xelas said:

That sight must have effectively trashed any hope she might become your birding pal one day :huh:.


That was my first wife who sadly died 34 years ago. I think there was more chance I'd be holidaying in Dubai than the Kruger now, bless her. Claire at least agrees to come with me and she has had to endure one or two really odd places to stay over the years as I follow my passion!!

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On Easter Saturday we took an early morning trip to the Forest of Bowland to enjoy the sunshine and keep well away from all the holiday traffic.

Red Grouse are very common here on the various stretches of heather moorland so that was our main bird priority.  We saw lots of wagtails and pipits but I am still holding off on the pipits until I can get pictures good enough that I can make solid id's from.

We heard our first cuckoo of the season, although not Larry yet @Galana, and something for @xelas at the end.


57.  Red Grouse

Male (Taken directly into the sun - tried to make it look a bit better)


Then it flew further away but in better light.


Forest of Bowland  -  20/04/19


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58.  Pied Wagtail




Forest of Bowland  -  20/04/19


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I already have this bird in the BY but it was so close I couldn't resist another shot.


(Duplicate)  Redshank


Forest of Bowland  -  20/04/19


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Not a bird but we had a lovely sighting of two hares who were not bothered by our presence at all. This one even posed for me.




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1 minute ago, Zim Girl said:

I already have this bird in the BY but it was so close I couldn't resist another shot.


(Duplicate)  Redshank

Forest of Bowland  -  20/04/19



Definitely worth an extra shot

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5 minutes ago, Zim Girl said:

This one even posed for me.

 Yeah, we hares are such a friendly bunch :D!

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The summer migrants are coming back in force at the local reserve.  The reserve is well known for it's population of Cetti's warblers and I heard at least six as I walked around, I stopped and waited every time but no luck with seeing them yet.  I will keep trying!!  

This bird showed quite well for me and remembering your tips from last year I am checking the colour of the legs, which I think makes this a Common and not a Lesser.  


59.  Common Whitethroat




Marton Mere  -  23/04/19


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On 4/19/2019 at 8:37 AM, Dave Williams said:

Claire at least agrees to come with me and she has had to endure one or two really odd places to stay over the years as I follow my passion!!

Going OT jut a tad for a minute. A dear long suffering spouse of a birding companion mooted the idea that birders should be compelled to note this 'defect' prior to, or during, any proposal of Marriage.

Nice set of photos from the Trough. I shall be there mid June. That Hare better look out! A leopard is on the prowl.

Good to see Whitethroats are back even if Lazy Larry is not!.

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2 minutes ago, Galana said:

birders should be compelled to note this 'defect' prior to, or during, any proposal of Marriage.

 "Defect" can emerges years after that all important date, sometimes even without the subject's consent :D! A wise spouse would keep her/his companion away from contagious sources like Safaritalk :lol:

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4 minutes ago, xelas said:

A wise spouse would keep her/his companion away from contagious sources like Safaritalk :lol:

Just like car rental, post handover defects are down to the renter and goodwill as being much harder to prove.

Are you saying that ST should be subject to parental control?

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Just as well we both like looking for the birds then :D

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Now for a selection of birds from recent trips to Leighton Moss.  Love this reserve, always something to watch.


60.  Marsh Tit


Leighton Moss  -  15/02/19


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61.  Bullfinch


Leighton Moss  -  30/03/19


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Lifer number eight.


62.  Siskin




Leighton Moss  -  30/03/19


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63.  Common Pheasant






Leighton Moss  -  08/04/19


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64.  Common Pochard


Leighton Moss  -  08/04/19

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I saw two of these birds flying around quite low together and can't believe one actually sat and posed for me!


65.  Eurasian Jay


Leighton Moss  -  08/04/19


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Last one for now although more to come.

The Black-headed gull colony is in full swing at the moment and these guys are really quite fun to watch.


66.  Black-headed Gull




Leighton Moss  -  08/04/19

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1 hour ago, Zim Girl said:

I saw two of these birds flying around quite low together and can't believe one actually sat and posed for me!

May I refer you to your post #140 above? It's not confined to our species!:D


Leighton Moss is always on my list when passing should time permit.

You got some good ones there.

Edited by Galana
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This bird is one of the big attractions at Leighton Moss at this time of year.


67.  Avocet








Leighton Moss  -  08/04/19


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56 minutes ago, Zim Girl said:

This bird is one of the big attractions at Leighton Moss at this time of year.


67.  Avocet



It´s funny, I´m seeing less (or none) of those around here right now.


Learning a bit about migrations patterns ;).

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