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PC's 2019: a lazy year

Peter Connan

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I'm sure you will get that 5 @Peter Connan!


have a great trip and get lots  of birds to end 2019 with and more to kick off 2020. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Dave Williams

Happy New Year Peter wherever you are. I have a feeling out in the bush somewhere you lucky so and so! One of the highlights of my BY was meeting you and the family , that's what the BY brings to me. 

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Peter Connan

Thank you very much @Dave Williams. Indeed, we have just returned from a trip to the seaside. This thread is NOT over! The meeting was one of my highlights too.

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That is good to hear! A happy New Year to you and I'm looking forward to seeing many more of your beautiful photos!

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Peter Connan

Thank you very much @PeterHG

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Happy New Year Peter, good to hear you have more in store!

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Happy New Year Peter and good luck for 2020

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Peter Connan

Hold on there @xelas, I ain't done yet!


Just finished IDing all the birds seen on our holidays. Now just need to decide whether i show you all the EBC's or not...

And of course edit all the photos...

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About time I reckon.


Firstly, some birds from earlier in the year, that got overlooked in the belief that better ones would be forecoming.


196) Green-backed Heron


Groenrugreier Butorides striatus


This is an immature bird.



12 January, Marievale

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197) White-backed Duck


Witrugeend Thalassornis leuconotus


Bit of an EBC here. My first and only sighting of this bird, but it was hellishly far away.



12 January, Marievale

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198) Lilac-breasted Roller


Gewone Troupant Coracias caudata


I guess a BY from Southern Africa is incomplete without this guy.



23 February, Zebula



10 August, Klein Letaba

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199) Crested Francolin


Bospatrys Peliperdix sephaena



24 February, Zebula

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200) Little Sparrowhawk


Kleinsperwer Accipiter minullus



28 April, Piesangkloof

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201) African Gosshawk


Afrikaanse Sperwer Accipiter tachiro



11 August, Klein Letaba

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202) Greater Flamingo


Grootflamink Phoenicopterus ruber



31 August, Zibulo

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203) Red-faced Mousebird


Rooiwangmuisvoel Urocolius indicus



22 September, Botsalano

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204) Swallow-tailed Bee-eater


Swaelstertbyevreter Merops hirundineus


Far too far for good photography...



22 September, Botsalano

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Aha, you were hiding these just to make me feel a bit :wacko:, isn't it so, Peter?! Congrats on passing by #202 already in 2019!

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Good to see more of what you can do. Bring on the EBCs if you wish.

Well done on 200.

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Congrats on passing 200 and on winning the home country count, I’m trying to make harder for you in 2020 ;).

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