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mvecht`s not so big third year 2021


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Well at least you had nice weather for your visit. The sea is especially calm.

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What a beautiful sight those cliffs are.

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I have had 3 different Cuckoos singing close to the house for the past several weeks but I rarely see them.

Today there were some territorial disputes so they were flying around although at quite a distance.

#96 (IOM 86) Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)


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#97 (IOM 87) Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) feeding from an Elm Tree close to the house


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Good to see you finally got your Cuckoo.

Interesting to see yet another example of our common ancestral language in Moensklint. Where I grew up there was, and presumably still is, a section of mountain cliffs called Falcons Clint.

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Today I went back to see if the Peregrine Falcon chick would show itself.

I got there a little too late as it had been fed a little earlier in the day. It did make a brief appearance. Unfortunately it was a little too distant for good photos. She is app 30 days old and is a big girl!

The parents also kept at a distance. Maybe they were a little scared as there were quite a few fighter jets making sonic booms in the area.



a few other birds seen in the area






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Beautiful Peregrines. Those cliffs look spectacular!

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stunning falcons and what a big chick. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

A couple of new additions today close to home

#96 (IOM 86) Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)



#97 Lesser Whitethroat (Curruca curruca)



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  • 1 month later...

It has been a very quiet summer birdwise.

Today I had a surprise sighting at the beach close to home,

#98 (IOM 88). A family of Black-throated Divers (Gavia Arctica).

Not easy to photograph as they very doing a lot of diving and disappeared amongst the waves most of the time.




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Indeed a slow summer. Yet you are closing the gap to #100 with an excellent bird.

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Your 'quiet' summer has nevertheless delivered lovely birds!



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Dave Williams

Something will drop by soon...100 is about to happen!!

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tantalisingly close to a milestone in a tough year, keep the eyes open...

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Yesterday I went to the ponds of the old Sugar factory.

#99 (IOM 89) Eurasian Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)



No 100 is getting close :rolleyes:

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Today I went looking for some waders.

#100 (IOM 90) Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola)






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#101 (IOM 91) Ruff (Calidris pugnax)






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Congratulations! For this year #100 is a milestone for many of us.

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 Congratulations on the century! Your island score is getting pretty close too…

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Congratulations on your Century score. Not easy this year. Your IOM 100 looks close too.

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Well done on the 100, a couple of nice shorebirds too

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