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mvecht`s not so big third year 2021


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Making steady progress on your island @mvecht! It's always good to see what is special and what is not in other regions of Europe. I would definitely go for the left crow in your picture, whereas for you the right one is the coveted tick ;)

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55 minutes ago, PeterHG said:

It's always good to see what is special and what is not in other regions of Europe.

Indeed.  The Hoodie is a good example. NW of a line through Jutland you get Hoodie (western ~Race) and SE of another line Vienna to Italy you get the eastern race. Between the two  the Carrion Crow is supreme but also happily hybridising at either edge just to annoy us further.

Visit IOMAN and get them both in equal quantities.:D

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No new birds today but still got a few nice photos at the ponds of the closed Sugar factory

Great Crested Grebe



female Merganser





Common Buzzard




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Today I was birding very close to home

#78 (IOM 67) Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis)


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#79 (IOM 68) Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)



and a close up taken in January


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Hopefully they will build a nest somewhere in the garden.

#80 (IOM 69) Black Redstart (Phoenicurus Ochruros)






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14 hours ago, Galana said:

Great Male Black Redstart.


yes indeed

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The Pintails are popping upon everyones lists (well in Europe anyway), they really are very pretty ducks. 

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Agree on the male Redstart, beautiful!


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Eastern side of the Island

#81 (IOM 70) Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)



IOM 71 Rook



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I have not had much luck getting good photos of

#82 (IOM 72) Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)


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Quite a few #83 (IOM 73) Corn Bunting (Emberiza calendra) around.


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Nice! IOM has plenty to offer. Soon there will be #100.


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#84 (IOM 74) Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)

Always a pleasure to see these arriving in Spring.

Northeastern part of the Island of Møn.


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it looks like we will have four breeding pairs on the Island this year. I am hoping to get better pictures during the year but for now:

#85 (IOM 75) Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)



Returning home I heard the Gulls making noise and found this one right over the house


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Hate to be repetitive but it has to be said - stunning Redstart indeed!

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Today I went birding in the garden

#86 (IOM 76) House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)


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mis identification
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#87 (IOM 77) Common Chiffchaff (phylloscopus collybita)



I also had this bird that I believe is a female Linnet (already counted). @Galana  @michael-ibket al any opinions on the ID?



The White tailed Eagle made another visit today. Hopefully it is nesting nearby


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It is a female linnet (or a young male.)

Get it ticked.


I wish WT Eagles would fly over me. I have seen ONE on IOM about 20 years ago.

I may have to wait until Mull in June and even then it won't be that close.

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1 hour ago, Galana said:

I wish WT Eagles would fly over me.


yes, @mvechtgratuitously posting shots of White-tailed Eagles every week is like itching powder to my itchy feet. 

Having said that we have had one doing the rounds along the Suffolk coast but it just keeps on moving so getting a sighting is a matter of good fortune.

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@Soukous @Galana WT Eagles have been a great succes in Denmark. They were absent from 1900 -1990 and started breeding in the early 1990`s.

Last year we had 134 pairs and the last annual winter count gave 400+ birds. App half the population is in the Southeastern part of Denmark (including IOM).

Since they cause a reaction from most other birds they are easily spotted.

Come and visit me during the winter and sightings will be guaranteed. My personal record was seeing 16 WTE`s at the same time!

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6 minutes ago, mvecht said:

Come and visit me during the winter and sightings will be guaranteed.


Looking at my diary right now :D

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Thanks for the offer @mvecht but it will probably involve getting cold and possibly wet.

However WT Eagles are a modest success in UK and I am quite confident of getting the BY tick this summer but just not on IOM and I doubt it will be as close as yours. (Thinks! I wonder if Isle of Mull will be permitted as IOM? :D)

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