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A Leisurely BY 2022 from Herman and Kit


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Joining the BY 2022 rather late.  


With Africa out of the window in the foreseeable future, Herman and I are unlikely to get any birds from our beloved continent. we've also decided not to chase numbers this year but to go with the flow with whatever turns up.

I have one trip to Cambodia pending in a couple of weeks' time just because I need to get out of the claustrophic tiny island of ours, and Herman and I may have a trip together in June but that is unlikely to turn up a lot of bird species. 


So, it'll be a leisurely list from us this year... at least at this point of time, it is. :D


 01. Blue-tailed Bee-eater, Eastwood vicinity


These migratory bee-eaters finally came lower and in the open for a couple of decent shots from me! 





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02. Javan Myna, Eastwood


There was no rain for a month and a half here, and many of the birds in the neighbourhood were flocking to this little tray for a good bath and good quenching. 



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03. Asian Koel, Eastwood


Even the shy koels weren't going to say no to free water.







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04. Swinhoe's White-eye, Eastwood


We'd never seen the white-eyes flying so low, and definitely never seen them drinking water. but the heat and dry weather had them enjoying a swim in the tray. we had placed this plant and a piece of wood close to the water tray and the birds seemed to love it. 







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05. Olive-backed sunbird, Eastwood


The sunbirds were annoying the white-eyes at the water tray but they had no interest in the tray. They got their juice elsewhere. 







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06. Asian Glossy Starling, Eastwood


Also taking advantage of the free supply  of water was a flock of starlings which came during lunchtime and again in the evenings. I tried to capture the green luminosity in their plumage but the harsh sunlight seemed to block the green. 




Other species were determined to have a push into the water like the 


07. Spotted Dove

which sat in the water and refused to budge for the mynas and starlings. 








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Your leisure year could beat my busy year! Great start. Do you have a hide near that water source?

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Great start and glad to see that your back in. Good luck for the year

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What a fantastic amount of activity over one bowl of water!  Great start!

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Great start and an impressive number of visitors to the water bowl!

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Great start Kit ( & Herman) 

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thank you @TonyQ @xelas @Galana @lmSA84 @Zim Girl @PeterHG @Soukous .


On 2/13/2022 at 6:29 PM, xelas said:

Your leisure year could beat my busy year! Great start. Do you have a hide near that water source?


no hide - we place the water trays in our garden and we take the shots from the sliding glass doors which are about 10-15m away.


in this video clip: swinhoe's white-eyes, yellow-vented bulbul, olive-backed sunbird and a blurred common tailorbird right at the back of the plant. 





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Great to see you back and I agree with the other comments on the water tray. Surprised to see Koels coming into the yard for a drink 

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Thanks @shazdwn. we were just as surprised to see the koels coming down to the ground for the water but it goes to show how dry the weather has been, and there aren't many water sources around my neighbourhood. That was one reason why we put out the water tray. and of course to watch those birds entertain us! 

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08. Yellow-vented Bulbul, Eastwood


This bulbul has become very common in the residential areas and i think they've edged out the Eurasian tree sparrows which have become very sparse, especially in my neighbourhood. 



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09. Zebra Dove, Eastwood



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10. Sunda Pgymy Woodpecker, Eastwood



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11. Asian Brown Flycatcher, Eastwood


Our annual migrant which has returned in four consecutive years. I'm always so amazed at such resilience of this tiny flycatcher which makes its migration over hundreds of miles twice a year. 





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12. Oriental Honey Buzzard, Eastwood


Another migrant species that returns to our area is the OHB. Usually we get to see 2-3 of them over the migration season. The two photos below are of two different birds - the second shot was taken by our excellent spotter Judith. 






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:D - I love the photos of these Honey Buzzards set against such an urban background.


You couldn't imagine the stir it would cause if even a Common Buzzard landed so nonchalantly in London!   

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@lmSA84  i can imagine all the birders and photographers crowding the London streets cheering the buteo on with their cameras as much as at the jubilee with the flags!

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Dave Williams

Love the 'pecker shot!

Interesting to see what folk get in their gardens too.

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